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Faculty History

Faculty Management

Elective disciplines for students

1 course

I. Algorithm for choosing a discipline by the student

  1. Find in the table the amount of ECTS credits and the corresponding number of subjects that you must complete for the next academic year in subjects of free choice
  2. In the catalogue of elective courses, select offers for the next academic year. 1st year students  choose for the 2nd, 2nd - for the 3rd, 3rd for the 4th, 4th - for the 5th.
  3. Applicants of the 5th year choose - 1 block of professional profiling and distinct elective disciplines for the 6th year.
  4. Before the final choice of a discipline, familiarize yourself with the presentations and syllabi of elective courses on the departments' websites.
  5. When completing the questionnaire, mark your chosen subjects in the Google form.
  6. After processing the results of the questionnaire, the dean's office will form groups to take elective courses for the next academic year.
  7. More details about the conditions of selection and the procedure for enrolling in subjects of free choice are in the "Regulations on the procedure and conditions for the selection of elective subjects at VNMU" (VNMU website, "Basic documents" tab).

Action algorithm:

  • determine the number of subjects for the next year
  • see the catalogue and choose offers
  • look at the annotations on the sites - make sure that it is "Yours"
  • mark "likes" in the questionnaire (Google form)

Table of ECTS credits distribution.
Speciality 222 “Medicine”

Year of Study Code in the Catalogue Amount of ECTS credits per acad.year Amount of credits per 1 EC (*or EB) Number of subjects per acad.year
1st EC 10 2.5 4
2nd EC 6 2.0 3
3rd EC 6 2.0 3
4th EC 6 2.0 3
5th EC 6 2.0 3
6th (professional profiling) EC 6 2.0 3
EB 50 50 1
EC – elective course (subject)
EB – elective block of professional profiling (studied only in 6th year)


II. Elective courses EPP “Medicine”
1st YEAR

Elective Components (EC) – 1st year – (10 credits)
Code Name of the subject ECTS credits Department Link
Elective Block 1.1 (2 subjects from a block)
EC 1.1 History of Medicine 2,5 Social Medicine and Healthcareкафедра-суспільних-наук
EC 1.2 History of the World’s Culture 2,5 Philosophy and Social Sciencesкафедра-філософії
EC 1.3 Sociology and Medical Sociology 2,5
EC 1.4 Effective communication as an indicator of quality interaction between a doctor and a patient  2,5 Ukrainian Studiesкафедра-українознавства
EC 1.5 European Standard of Computer Competency 2,5 Biophysics, Medical Facilities and Informaticsкафедра-медичної-фізики
Elective Block 1.2 (2 subjects from a block)
EC 1.6 Ethics and Deontology in Medicine 2,5 Philosophy and Social Sciencesкафедра-філософії
EC 1.7 Basics of Psychology 2,5
EC 1.8 Bases of Healthy Lifestyle 2,5 Physical Education and RPCкафедра-фізвиховання
EC 1.9 Bases of Economic Theories 2,5 Philosophy and Social Sciencesкафедра-філософії
EC 1.10 Aesthetics and Theory of Art 2,5

2 course

I. Algorithm for choosing a discipline by the student

  1. Find in the table the amount of ECTS credits and the corresponding number of subjects that you must complete for the next academic year in subjects of free choice
  2. In the catalogue of elective courses, select offers for the next academic year. 1st year students  choose for the 2nd, 2nd - for the 3rd, 3rd for the 4th, 4th - for the 5th.
  3. Applicants of the 5th year choose - 1 block of professional profiling and distinct elective disciplines for the 6th year.
  4. Before the final choice of a discipline, familiarize yourself with the presentations and syllabi of elective courses on the departments' websites.
  5. When completing the questionnaire, mark your chosen subjects in the Google form.
  6. After processing the results of the questionnaire, the dean's office will form groups to take elective courses for the next academic year.
  7. More details about the conditions of selection and the procedure for enrolling in subjects of free choice are in the "Regulations on the procedure and conditions for the selection of elective subjects at VNMU" (VNMU website, "Basic documents" tab).

Action algorithm:

  • determine the number of subjects for the next year
  • see the catalogue and choose offers
  • look at the annotations on the sites - make sure that it is "Yours"
  • mark "likes" in the questionnaire (Google form)

Table of ECTS credits distribution.
Speciality 222 “Medicine”

Year of Study Code in the Catalogue Amount of ECTS credits per acad.year Amount of credits per 1 EC (*or EB) Number of subjects per acad.year
1st EC 10 2.5 4
2nd EC 6 2.0 3
3rd EC 6 2.0 3
4th EC 6 2.0 3
5th EC 6 2.0 3
6th (professional profiling) EC 6 2.0 3
EB 50 50 1
EC – elective course (subject)
EB – elective block of professional profiling (studied only in 6th year)


II. Elective courses EPP “Medicine”

2ND year – (6 credits) choose 3 EC (one EC from each block)
Code Name of the subject ECTS credits Department Link
Elective Block 2.1 (1 subject from a block)
EC 2.1 Logics. Formal Logics 2.0 Philosophy and Social Sciences Socialкафедра-філософії
EC 2.2 Public Speaking: How to become a Successful Speaker 2.0 Ukrainian Studiesкафедра-українознавства
EC 2.3(i) Practice of Sociocultural Communication in Ukrainian (for foreign students) 2.0
EC 2.4 Methodology and Technology of Student’s Research Work 2.0 Philosophy and Social Sciences Socialкафедра-філософії
EC 2.5 Fundamentals of Addiction Prevention 2.0 Medical Psychologyкафедра-медичної-психології-та-психіатрії
Elective Block 2.2 (1 subject from a block)
EC 2.6 Human Embryology 2.0 Human Anatomy
EC 2.7 Radiation Anatomy 2.0
Elective Block 2.3 (1 subject from a block)
EC 2.8 Biochemistry of nutrition  2.0 Biologic and General Chemistryкафедра-біохімії-та-загальної-хімії
EC 2.9 Neurophysiology  2.0 Normal Physiologyкафедра-нормальнії-фізіології
EC 2.10 Modern Issues of Molecular Biology 2.0 Medical Biologyкафедра-медичної-біології

3 course

I. Algorithm for choosing a discipline by the student

  1. Find in the table the amount of ECTS credits and the corresponding number of subjects that you must complete for the next academic year in subjects of free choice
  2. In the catalogue of elective courses, select offers for the next academic year. 1st year students  choose for the 2nd, 2nd - for the 3rd, 3rd for the 4th, 4th - for the 5th.
  3. Applicants of the 5th year choose - 1 block of professional profiling and distinct elective disciplines for the 6th year.
  4. Before the final choice of a discipline, familiarize yourself with the presentations and syllabi of elective courses on the departments' websites.
  5. When completing the questionnaire, mark your chosen subjects in the Google form.
  6. After processing the results of the questionnaire, the dean's office will form groups to take elective courses for the next academic year.
  7. More details about the conditions of selection and the procedure for enrolling in subjects of free choice are in the "Regulations on the procedure and conditions for the selection of elective subjects at VNMU" (VNMU website, "Basic documents" tab).

Action algorithm:

  • determine the number of subjects for the next year
  • see the catalogue and choose offers
  • look at the annotations on the sites - make sure that it is "Yours"
  • mark "likes" in the questionnaire (Google form)

Table of ECTS credits distribution.
Speciality 222 “Medicine”

Year of Study Code in the Catalogue Amount of ECTS credits per acad.year Amount of credits per 1 EC (*or EB) Number of subjects per acad.year
1st EC 10 2.5 4
2nd EC 6 2.0 3
3rd EC 6 2.0 3
4th EC 6 2.0 3
5th EC 6 2.0 3
6th (professional profiling) EC 6 2.0 3
EB 50 50 1
EC – elective course (subject)
EB – elective block of professional profiling (studied only in 6th year)


II. Elective courses EPP “Medicine”
3rd YEAR

3rd  year – (6 credits) choose 3 EC (one EC from each block)
Code Name of the subject ECTS credits Department Link
Elective Block 3.1 (1 subject from a block)
EC 3.1 Biochemistry of inflammation and Immune System 2.0 Biologic and General Chemistryкафедра-біохімії-та-загальної-хімії
EC 3.2 Infectious immunology  2.0 Microbiology, Virusology and Immunologyкафедра-мікробіології
EC 3.3 Immunobiologic Preparations 2.0
Elective Block 3.2 (1 subject from a block)
EC 3.4 Economics of Public Health. Marketing of Medical  Services 2.0 Philosophy and Social Sciences Socialкафедра-філософії
EC 3.5 Fundamentals of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Drugs  2.0 Pharmacologyкафедра-фармакології
EC 3.6 Psychohygiene and Essential Issues of University Hygiene 2.0 General Hygiene and Ecologyкафедра-загальної-гігієни-та-екології
Elective Block 3.3 (1 subject from a block)
EC 3.7 Medical Psychology 2.0 Medical Psychologyкафедра-медичної-психології-та-психіатрії
EC 3.8 Medical English 2.0 Foreign Languages with Course of Latin and Medical Terminologyкафедра-іноземних-мов 
EC 3.9 (i) Practice of Professional Ukrainian Language Communication (for foreign students) 2.0 Ukrainian Studiesкафедра-українознавства

4 course

I. Algorithm for choosing a discipline by the student

  1. Find in the table the amount of ECTS credits and the corresponding number of subjects that you must complete for the next academic year in subjects of free choice
  2. In the catalogue of elective courses, select offers for the next academic year. 1st year students  choose for the 2nd, 2nd - for the 3rd, 3rd for the 4th, 4th - for the 5th.
  3. Applicants of the 5th year choose - 1 block of professional profiling and distinct elective disciplines for the 6th year.
  4. Before the final choice of a discipline, familiarize yourself with the presentations and syllabi of elective courses on the departments' websites.
  5. When completing the questionnaire, mark your chosen subjects in the Google form.
  6. After processing the results of the questionnaire, the dean's office will form groups to take elective courses for the next academic year.
  7. More details about the conditions of selection and the procedure for enrolling in subjects of free choice are in the "Regulations on the procedure and conditions for the selection of elective subjects at VNMU" (VNMU website, "Basic documents" tab).

Action algorithm:

  • determine the number of subjects for the next year
  • see the catalogue and choose offers
  • look at the annotations on the sites - make sure that it is "Yours"
  • mark "likes" in the questionnaire (Google form)

Table of ECTS credits distribution.
Speciality 222 “Medicine”

Year of Study Code in the Catalogue Amount of ECTS credits per acad.year Amount of credits per 1 EC (*or EB) Number of subjects per acad.year
1st EC 10 2.5 4
2nd EC 6 2.0 3
3rd EC 6 2.0 3
4th EC 6 2.0 3
5th EC 6 2.0 3
6th (professional profiling) EC 6 2.0 3
EB 50 50 1
EC – elective course (subject)
EB – elective block of professional profiling (studied only in 6th year)


II. Elective courses EPP “Medicine”
4th YEAR

4th   year – (6 credits) choose 3 EC (one EC from each block)
Code Name of the subject ECTS credits Department Link
Elective Block 4.1 (1 subject from a block)
EC 4.1 Selected Issues of Modern Pediatrics 2.0 Pediatrics #1кафедра-педіатрії-1
EC 4.2 Drugs Side Effects 2.0 Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacologyкафедра-клінічної-фармації-з-курсом-клінічної-фармакології 
EC 4.3 Drug Interactions at the Stages of Pharmacokinetics 2.0
Elective Block 4.2 (1 subject from a block)
EC 4.4 Foundations of Manual Therapy and Massage 2.0 Physical and Rehabilitation Medicineкафедра-фізичної-та-реабілітаційної-медицини 
EC 4.5 Physiotherapeutic Agents in Medical Rehabilitation 2.0
EC 4.6 Current Issues of Dietology and Nutritiology 2.0 Internal Medicine #2кафедра-внутрішньої-медицини-2
Elective Block 4.3 (1 subject from a block)
EC 4.7 Selected Issues of Clinical Nephrology 2.0 Internal Medicine #1кафедра-внутрішньої-медицини-1 
EC 4.8 Endoscopic Methods in Gynecology  2.0 Obstetrics and Gynecology #2кафедра-акушерства-і-гінекології-2
EC 4.9 Microbiological Bases of Antibacterial Therapy  2.0 Microbiology, Virusology and Immunologyкафедра-мікробіології

5 course

I. Algorithm for choosing a discipline by the student

  1. Find in the table the amount of ECTS credits and the corresponding number of subjects that you must complete for the next academic year in subjects of free choice
  2. In the catalogue of elective courses, select offers for the next academic year. 1st year students  choose for the 2nd, 2nd - for the 3rd, 3rd for the 4th, 4th - for the 5th.
  3. Applicants of the 5th year choose - 1 block of professional profiling and distinct elective disciplines for the 6th year.
  4. Before the final choice of a discipline, familiarize yourself with the presentations and syllabi of elective courses on the departments' websites.
  5. When completing the questionnaire, mark your chosen subjects in the Google form.
  6. After processing the results of the questionnaire, the dean's office will form groups to take elective courses for the next academic year.
  7. More details about the conditions of selection and the procedure for enrolling in subjects of free choice are in the "Regulations on the procedure and conditions for the selection of elective subjects at VNMU" (VNMU website, "Basic documents" tab).

Action algorithm:

  • determine the number of subjects for the next year
  • see the catalogue and choose offers
  • look at the annotations on the sites - make sure that it is "Yours"
  • mark "likes" in the questionnaire (Google form)

Table of ECTS credits distribution.
Speciality 222 “Medicine”

Year of Study Code in the Catalogue Amount of ECTS credits per acad.year Amount of credits per 1 EC (*or EB) Number of subjects per acad.year
1st EC 10 2.5 4
2nd EC 6 2.0 3
3rd EC 6 2.0 3
4th EC 6 2.0 3
5th EC 6 2.0 3
6th (professional profiling) EC 6 2.0 3
EB 50 50 1
EC – elective course (subject)
EB – elective block of professional profiling (studied only in 6th year)


II. Elective courses EPP “Medicine”
5th YEAR

5th   year – (6 credits) choose 3 EC (one EC from each block)
Code Name of the subject ECTS credits Department Link
Elective Block 5.1 (1 subject from a block)
EC 5.1 Clinical Arthrology 2.0 Internal Medicine #1кафедра-внутрішньої-медицини-1
EC 5.2 Clinical Vertebrology 2.0 Physical and Rehabilitation Medicineкафедра-фізичної-та-реабілітаційної-медицини 
EC 5.3 Clinical Electrocardiography 2.0 Internal Medicine #2кафедра-внутрішньої-медицини-2
EC 5.4 Emergencies in Cardiology 2.0 Internal Medicine #1кафедра-внутрішньої-медицини-1
EC 5.5 Modern Treatment & Prevention Strategies in Virus-Associated Pandemics 2.0 Infectious Diseasesкафедра-інфекційних-хвороб
EC 5.6 (i) Clinical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine (for foreign students) 2.0
Elective Block 5.2 (1 subject from a block)
EC 5.7 Differential Diagnostics of ANCA-associated Vasculites 2.0 Internal Medicine #1кафедра-внутрішньої-медицини-1
EC 5.8 Biopsy and Sectional Course 2.0 Pathologic Anatomyкафедра-патологічної-анатомії-та-судової-медицини-з-курсом-основ-права
EC 5.9 Protection of the Rights and Interests of Medical and Pharmaceutical Workers. Legal Responsibility in the Field of Professional Activity 2.0 Forensic Medicine and Legislation
EC 5.10 Assistance to the Injured at the Pre-Hospital Stage 2.0 Emergency Medicine and Military
EC 5.11 Organization of Emergencies Consequences  Elimination Work 2.0
EC 5.12 Minor Invasion Technologies in Surgery 2.0 Endoscopic and Cardio-Vascular Surgery
Elective Block 5.3 (1 subject from a block)
EC 5.13 USD in Obstetrics and Gynecology  2.0 Obstetrics and Gynecology #1кафедра-акушерства-і-гінекології-1
EC 5.14 Premature Baby: Problems of Care and Treatment  2.0 Pediatrics # 1кафедра-педіатрії-1
EC 5.15 Orphan Diseases in Pediatrics  2.0 Pediatrics #2кафедра- педіатрії-2
EC 5.16 Selected Issues of Pediatric Cardiology  2.0

6 course

I. Algorithm for choosing a discipline by the student

  1. Find in the table the amount of ECTS credits and the corresponding number of subjects that you must complete for the next academic year in subjects of free choice
  2. In the catalogue of elective courses, select offers for the next academic year. 1st year students  choose for the 2nd, 2nd - for the 3rd, 3rd for the 4th, 4th - for the 5th.
  3. Applicants of the 5th year choose - 1 block of professional profiling and distinct elective disciplines for the 6th year.
  4. Before the final choice of a discipline, familiarize yourself with the presentations and syllabi of elective courses on the departments' websites.
  5. When completing the questionnaire, mark your chosen subjects in the Google form.
  6. After processing the results of the questionnaire, the dean's office will form groups to take elective courses for the next academic year.
  7. More details about the conditions of selection and the procedure for enrolling in subjects of free choice are in the "Regulations on the procedure and conditions for the selection of elective subjects at VNMU" (VNMU website, "Basic documents" tab).

Action algorithm:

  • determine the number of subjects for the next year
  • see the catalogue and choose offers
  • look at the annotations on the sites - make sure that it is "Yours"
  • mark "likes" in the questionnaire (Google form)

Table of ECTS credits distribution.
Speciality 222 “Medicine”

Year of Study Code in the Catalogue Amount of ECTS credits per acad.year Amount of credits per 1 EC (*or EB) Number of subjects per acad.year
1st EC 10 2.5 4
2nd EC 6 2.0 3
3rd EC 6 2.0 3
4th EC 6 2.0 3
5th EC 6 2.0 3
6th (professional profiling) EC 6 2.0 3
EB 50 50 1
EC – elective course (subject)
EB – elective block of professional profiling (studied only in 6th year)


II. Elective courses EPP “Medicine”
6th YEAR

6th   year – (6 credits) choose 3 EC (one EC from each block)
Code Name of the subject ECTS credits Department Link
Elective Block 6.1 (1 subject from a block)
EC 6.1 Clinical Biochemistry (Selected Issues) 2.0 Biologic and General Chemistryкафедра-біохімії-та-загальної-хімії
EC 6.2 Clinical Pharmacology in Cardiology 2.0 Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacologyкафедра-клінічної-фармації-з-курсом-клінічної-фармакології 
EC 6.3 Pharmacotherapy in Ophthalmology 2.0 Eye Diseasesкафедра-очних-хвороб
EC 6.4 Non-drug Methods of Treatment and Rehabilitation 2.0 Physical Education and RPCкафедра-фізвиховання
Elective Block 6.2 (1 subject from a block)
EC 6.5 Modern Strategies of Operative Surgery 2.0 Operative Surgeryкафедра-оперативної-хірургії-та-топографічної-анатомії
EC 6.6 Practical Course of Forensic Histology 2.0 Forensic Medicine and Legislation
EC 6.7 Modern Approaches to Mini-Invasive Treatment in Planned and Urgent Pediatric Surgery 2.0 Pediatric Surgery
EC 6.8 Fundamentals of Phlebology 2.0 Endoscopic and Cardio-Vascular Surgery
EC 6.9 Fundamentals of Cardiosurgery 2.0
Elective Block 6.3 (1 subject from a block)
EC 6.10 Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology  2.0 Obstetrics and Gynecology #1кафедра-акушерства-і-гінекології-1
EC 6.11 Fundamentals of Pediatric Oncogynecology  2.0 Pediatrics #2кафедра- педіатрії-2
EC 6.12 Legal Principles of Creation and Management of Private Medical Business  2.0 Forensic Medicine and Legislation
EC 6.13 Clinical Research  2.0 Internal Medicine #2кафедра-внутрішньої-медицини-2 
ALTERNATIVE – instead of 1 subject from blocks 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 you can choose 1 subject (2.0 ECTS credits) from adjacent EPP “Pediatrics” (6th year)
Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases in Children 2.0 Pediatric Infections Diseasesкафедра-дитячих-інфекційних-хвороб
Pediatric Endocrinology 2.0 Endocrinologyкафедра-ендокринології


ATTENTION! 6-year students of 2022-2023 acad.year should get 3.0 additional credits from the following Elective Courses. You should choose the option that doesn’t coincide with the chosen Elective Block of Professional Profiling

EB 1.2 Palliative and Hospice Medicine can be chosen along with EB 2, 3, 4 3.0 Internal Medicine #3
EB 3.1.7 Clinical Oncology can be chosen along with EB 1, 2, 4 1.5 Oncology
EB 3.6 Clinical Microbiology 1.5 Microbiology, Virology and Immunology


Elective Blocks of Professional Profiling – 6th year (1 EB - 50 credits)

Elective Block 1** «General Practice – Family Medicine»
Code Elective block compounds ECTS credits Department
EB 1.1 General Practice (Family Medicine). Practice   (preparation to OSCE).  5,5  General Practice and Family Medicine
EB 1.2 Palliative and Hospice Medicine  3,0  Internal Medicine# 1, #3 and Internal Medicine of Medical Faculty #2
EB 1.3 Internal Medicine. Practice (preparation to OSCE). Including  17,0  
  ВБ 1.3.1  Internal Medicine 11,5 Internal Medicine# 1, #3 and Internal Medicine of Medical Faculty #2
  EB 1.3.2 Infectious Diseases 3,5 Infectious Diseases
  EB 1.3.3 Phthysiology 1,0 Phthysiology
  EB 1.3.4  Modern Diabetology. Emergencies in Endocrinology 1,0 Endocrinology
EB 1.4 Pediatrics Including Pediatric Infectious Diseases in General Practice.  Practice (preparation to OSCE ).  10,5  Pediatrics #2
EB 1.5 Surgery, Including Pediatric Surgery in General Practice.  Practice ( preparation to OSCE).  8,0  Surgery #1? Surgery of med.faculty #2 and Pediatric Surgery
EB 1.6 Obstetrics and Gynecology in General Practice.  Practice ( preparation to OSCE).  4,0  Obstetrics and Gynecology #1 and #2
EB 1.7 Endoscopic Technologies in Diagnostics and Treatment of Internal Organs Diseases. 2,0 Endoscopic and Cardio-Vascular Surgery
  Total for EB 1 50  


Elective Block 2** «Internal Medicine»
Code Elective block compounds ECTS credits Department
EB 2.1 Internal Medicine.  Practice (preparation to OSCE).  22,0 Internal Medicine #1, #3 and Internal Medicine of Med.Faculty #2
EB 2.1.1 Modern Practice of Internal Medicine 7,0 Internal Medicine #1, #3 and Internal Medicine of Med.Faculty #2
  EB 2.1.2  Instrumental Examination Methods in Modern Cardiologic Practice  3,5 Internal Medicine #1, #3 and Internal Medicine of Med.Faculty #2
EB 2.1.3 Management of Patients after Cardiologic Surgery  3,0 Internal Medicine #1, #3 and Internal Medicine of Med.Faculty #2
EB 2.1.4 Emergencies in the Clinic of Internal Medicine  2,0 Internal Medicine #1, #3 and Internal Medicine of Med.Faculty #2
EB 2.1.5  Modern Diabetology. Emergencies in Endocrinology 1,0 Endocrinology
EB 2.1.6 Infectious Diseases 4,5 Infectious Diseases
EB 2.1.7 Phthysiology 1,0 Phthysiology
EB 2.2 Pediatrics Including Pediatric Infectious Diseases .  Practice (preparation to OSCE ). 10,5 Pediatrics #2
EB 2.3 Surgery, Including Pediatric Surgery.  Practice (preparation to OSCE ). 8,0 Surgery #1, Surgery of Med.Faculty #2 and Pediatric Surgery
EB 2.4 Obstetrics and Gynecology.  Practice (preparation to OSCE ). 4,0 Obstetrics and Gynecology #1 and #2
EB 2.5 General Practice (Family Medicine).  Practice (preparation to OSCE ). 3,5 General Practice Family Medicine
EB 2.6 Endoscopic Technologies in Diagnostics and Treatment of Internal Organs Diseases  2,0 Endoscopic and Cardio-Vascular Surgery
  Total for EB 2 50  


             Elective Block 3** «Surgery»
Code Elective block compounds ECTS credits Department
EB 3.1 Surgery.  Practice (preparation to OSCE).  Including  12,0  
ВБ 3.1.1 Symptoms and Syndromes in Surgery  3,0 Endoscopic and Cardio-Vascular Surgery
ВБ 3.1.2 Cardio-Vascular Surgery  1,5 Endoscopic and Cardio-Vascular Surgery
  ВБ 3.1.3 Traumatology 1,5 Traumatology and Orthopedics
ВБ 3.1.4 Emergencies in Surgery   1,5 Surgery # 2
ВБ 3.1.5 Mini-Invasive Treatment in Planned and Urgent Pediatric Surgery 1,5 Pediatric Surgery
ВБ 3.1.6 Malformations in Children 1,5 Pediatric Surgery
ВБ 3.1.7 Clinical Oncology 1,5 Oncology
EB 3.2 Internal Medicine.  Practice (preparation to OSCE).  Including 17,0  
ВБ 3.2.1  Internal Medicine 11,5 Internal Medicine #1, #3 and Internal Medicine of Med.Faculty #2
ВБ 3.2.2 Infectious Diseases 3,5 Infectious Diseases
ВБ 3.2.3  Phthysiology 1,0 Phthysiology
ВБ 3.2.4 Emergency Endocrinology 1,0 Endocrinology
EB 3.3 Pediatrics Including Pediatric Infectious Diseases.   Practice (preparation to OSCE ). 9,0 Pediatrics #2
EB 3.4 Obstetrics and Gynecology.  Practice (preparation to OSCE ). 5,0 Obstetrics and Gynecology  №1 and №2 
EB 3.5 General Practice (Family Medicine).  Practice (preparation to OSCE ). 3,5 General Practice and Family Medicine
EB 3.6 Clinic Microbiology 1,5 Microbiology, Virology and Immunology
EB 3.7 Endoscopic Surgery 2,0 Endoscopic and Cardio-Vascular Surgery
  Total for EB 3 50  


Elective Block 4** «Obstetrics and Gynecology»
Code Elective block compounds ECTS credits Department
EB 4.1 Obstetrics and Gynecology.  Practice (preparation to OSCE).  Including 7,0  
EB 4.1.1 Modern Practice in Obsterics and Gynecology, Operative Obsterics 3,0 Obstetrics and Gynecology  №1 and №2 
EB 4.1.2 Clinical Mammology  1,0 Obstetrics and Gynecology  №1 and №2 
EB 4.1.3 Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 1,0 Obstetrics and Gynecology  №1 and №2 
EB 4.1.4 Esthetic Gynecology 1,0 Obstetrics and Gynecology  №1 and №2 
EB 4.1.5 Oncogynecology 1,0 Obstetrics and Gynecology  №1 and №2 
EB 4.2 Modern Strategies of Emergency Medical Aid 2,0 Anesthesiology, Intensive Therapy 
EB 4.3 Internal Medicine. Practice (preparation to OSCE).  Including 17,0  
  EB 4.3.1 Internal Medicine 11,5 Internal Medicine #1, #3 and Internal Medicine of Med.Faculty #2
  EB 4.3.2 Infectious Diseases 3,5 Infectious Diseases
  EB 4.3.3 Phthsiology 1,0 Phthsiology
  EB 4.3.4 Emergency Endocrinology 1,0 Endocrinology
EB 4.4 Pediatrics with Pediatric Infectious Diseases.  Practice (preparation to OSCE).  10,5 Pediatrics #2, Pediatric Infectious Diseases
EB 4.5 Surgery, including Pediatric Surgery.  Practice (preparation to OSCE).  8,0 Surgery #1, Surgery of Med.Fac #2 and Pediatric Surgery
EB 4.6 General Practice (Family Medicine).  Practice (preparation to OSCE).  3,5 General Practice and Family Medicine
EB 4.7 Endoscopic Surgery 2,0 Endoscopic and Cardio-Vascular Surgery
  Total for EB 3 50