For students



To aspirants

Qualification works

Clinical ordinator


Department of Forensic Medicine in National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya was organized in 1936. The duties of the head of the department were temporarily performed by О.K. Sudomyr (Head of the Department of Psychiatry). In 1939-1941 the department was headed by prof. Ya.L. Leibovych.

Професор Я.Л. Лейбович

Professor Ya.L. Leibovych

In 1919 he became the first head of the forensic medical examination department of the People's Commissariat for Health of Soviet Russia. Leibovych Yakov Lvovych devoted a lot of effort and energy to the practical solution of the important task – the development of a program for the development of the state forensic medical service. Under his leadership and with direct participation, all fundamental documents were developed that determined the structure and forms of activity of the state forensic medical service for many years to come. Ya.L. Leibovych was the editor-in-chief of the first Russian periodical collection "Forensic medical examination" for the entire period of its existence (1925-1931). A large number of his publications were devoted to the organization and state of the forensic medical service, medical deontology, analysis of suicides and other issues. June 29, 1941 prof. Ya.L. Leibovych was arrested by the NKVD. His further fate is unknown.

In the postwar years, from 1945 to 1948, the Department of Forensic Medicine was headed by Docent D.A. Galaev, from 1948 to 1950 – I.V. Almazov.

In 1950, the head of the department was appointed professor V.P. Tsipkovsky – an outstanding forensic physician, scientist, student of Professor M.M. Bocarius. Under his leadership, the Department of Forensic Medicine at the Vinnitsa Medical Institute was actually recreated anew. Vasily Panteleimonovych began to create a forensic medical museum of macro-preparations. Thanks to his efforts and perseverance, the Department of Forensic Medicine of the Vinnytsia Medical Institute received a new building with a well-equipped morgue and a laboratory at that time and quickly became one of the best and most authoritative in Ukraine.

Професор.В.П. Ципковський

Professor V.P. Tsipkovsky

V.P. Tsipkovsky was actively and fruitfully engaged in scientific activities. He wrote about 70 scientific works, among which the monograph “Inspection of the scene and the corpse at the place of its discovery”, published in 1960, deserves special attention for its value for scientists and experts. V.P. Tsipkovsky is a prominent representative of the forensic area in forensic medicine. His scientific works concern many areas of forensic medicine: sudden death, poisoning, determination of the severity of bodily injury, mechanical asphyxia, self-harm, aviation and railway injury. The works of the scientist in the field of gunshot wounds are especially important. He defended the widespread introduction of the radiographic research method in forensic medical examinations. Under the guidance of Professor V.P. Tsipkovsky about 10 master's theses have been completed.

In 1972, Docent A.I. Krat –  student of Professor V.P. Tsipkovsky, become new head of department.

 Доцент А.І. Крат

Docent A.I. Krat

In 1951, Andrii Illarionovych graduated from the Vinnitsa Medical Institute and began working as an assistant in the Department of Forensic Medicine of this institute. Since then, all his further activities have been associated with this higher educational institution. In 1961 A.I. Krat defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic: "The forensic significance of the blood filling of the spleen in asphyxia", in which, for the first time, in the course of numerous experiments on animals and considerable expert material, he studied the state of the spleen in various types of mechanical asphyxia.

Andrii Illarionovych was a highly qualified specialist, selflessly related to his work. For many years he was the dean of the medical faculty. He has published more than 60 scientific works on topical issues of forensic medicine. In 1997, he wrote a guide "Principles for making a diagnosis and expert conclusions", in which he summarized the experience of rational approaches to one of the difficult and controversial sections of the forensic medical profession. Andrii Illarionovych headed the department until 1985, and then from 1995 until the end of his life (2001).

 Доцент C.O. Козлова

Docent S.O. Kozlova

From 1985 to 1995, the head of the Department of Forensic Medicine was Docent S.O. Kozlova. In 1960 she graduated from the Vinnitsa Medical Institute, worked at the department as an assistant. In 1967 S.O. Kozlova defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Forensic classification of the severity of nasal injuries", in which, based on the study and analysis of forensic practical and clinical material, she proposed scientifically substantiated criteria for assessing the severity of damage to the nasal bones.

Kozlova Svitlana Oleksandrivna was a wonderful teacher, lecturer and scientist, has published more than 70 scientific works devoted to the issues of forensic medicine, especially various aspects of diagnostics of lifetime and prescription of mechanical injury. She was the author of the first textbook on forensic medicine in the Republic of Afghanistan.

From 2001 to 2020, the Department of Forensic Medicine was reformed into an appropriate course at the Department of Pathological Anatomy, Forensic Medicine and Law.


Docent G.O. Legin

In 2020, the Department of Forensic Medicine was restored. The acting head of the department was appointed V.I. Gunas. Now the department is located on the third floor of the morphological building of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya. The clinical base of the department is the Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine, located on Gleba Uspenskogo Street. The staff of the department is represented by talented and highly professional teachers: prof. Voronov V.T., Docent Mokanyuk O.I., Docent Bondarchuk A.O., ass. Perebetyuk A.M. Also, teaching at the department is carried out by the best forensic medical experts of the Vinnitsa Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine, namely: Zhuk V.V., Musienko D.V., Dzhurabaev V.S. and Plahotnyuk I.M. An irreparable loss for the staff of the department was the death of Docent Gennady Oleksiyovych Legin.


Gunas Valery

head of department, PhD, docent

In 2013, he graduated from the medical faculty of the National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya (VNMU). Since 2013, he has been working at the Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination. Completed the full-time part of the internship at P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. Since 2015, he worked at the Department of Pathological Anatomy, Forensic Medicine and Law of the VNMU. In 2015, he specialized in "Forensic histology" at the Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education. Since October 2020, acting chief Department of Forensic Medicine and Law of VNMU, from January 2021 - head of the department.
Forensic medical expert histologist of the 1st category of the physical evidence examination department, department of forensic histology of the Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination.

He defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of knowledge 22 "Health care" in the specialty 222 "Medicine". Dissertation topic: «Regional features of finger and palm dermatoglyphics and their relationship with indicators of personality characteristics of practically healthy men of Ukraine». ВНМУ, 2020. The results of the thesis plagiarism check.

Participant and speaker at scientific conferences on forensic medicine in Ukraine and abroad (Croatia, Slovakia, India).
Member of the editorial board of the Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology (scopus).

Journal reviewer in forensic medicine and anthropology Alexandria Journal of Medicine та Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences (both Web of Science).
International Ambassador of the Indian Academy of Forensic Medical Examiners.
Under the leadership of Gunas V.I. 3 dissertations are being completed for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (22 "Health Care" with specialty 222 "Medicine").

Certificate of proficiency in foreign languages: B2 English.

The workplace is located on the 3rd floor of the morphological building of the VNMU. When performing clinical work, a workplace in office 307 of the Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination.
Contact email:


Mokanyuk Oleksandr

PhD, Docent

The workplace is located on the 3rd floor of the Morphological corpus of VNMU.

Perebetiuk Anatolii

PhD, assistant

Receives higher education degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 222 "Medicine" (specialization - forensic medicine) outside the postgraduate study at VNMU.
Participant of forensic medical scientific conferences in Ukraine and abroad (Croatia, Slovakia, India).
The workplace is located on the 3rd floor of the Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine.

Voronov Vyacheslav

MD, professor

The workplace is located on the 2rd floor of the Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine.

Zhuk Vyacheslav

part-time teacher

Acting head of the Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the city of Vinnytsia.

Musienko Dmytro

part-time teacher

Deputy Head of Expert Work of the Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination

Plakhotnyuk Igor

part-time teacher

Head of the department of on duty experts of the Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the city of Vinnytsia.

Tsyba Roman


In 2021 graduated from medical faculty No. 2 of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya. Completed the full-time part of the internship at the VNMU. Since 2023 work at the Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine and as an assistant at the Department of Forensic Medicine and Law of the VNMU.

Adamchuk Oksana


Education - higher law. In 1999, she graduated from the Kyiv State University of Trade and Economics, majoring in Law.
Candidate's thesis on the topic: "Administration in the sphere of health care of Ukraine" in the specialty 12.00.07 - Administrative law and process; finance law; protected the right to information at the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management on March 30, 2017. The academic title of associate professor of the Department of Pathological Anatomy, Forensic Medicine and Law was awarded by the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine on June 20, 2019.
The length of scientific and pedagogical work is 19 years, the field of scientific interests is medical law. During her scientific and pedagogical activities, she prepared and published 30 scientific and educational and methodological works, including 6 articles in domestic and international peer-reviewed professional publications, 1 study guide; 1 collective monograph on problematic issues of medical law. marketing and medical law; has been teaching since January 15, 2002.

Zharlinska Raisa


Education - higher legal and higher economic. Graduated: in 1982 Kyiv Trade and Economic Institute (with honors); in 1999 Kyiv State University of Trade and Economics (with honors).
She defended her dissertation on the topic: "Marketing information system of a commercial bank" on 08.06.01 - economics, organization and management of enterprises on 25.09.2003 at the specialized academic council of KNTEU.
The academic title of associate professor of the Department of Merchandising and Marketing was awarded by the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine on February 16, 2006.
Experience of scientific and pedagogical work - 22 years, field of scientific interests - medical law, medical marketing.
During her scientific and pedagogical activities (since September 1998), she prepared and published more than 350 scientific and educational and methodological works, including:
– 2 training manuals;
– 7 collective monographs on problematic issues of entrepreneurship, marketing and medical law;
– 6 articles in specialized medical publications included in the Web of Science scientometric databases. Teaching since February 1, 2015.

Zverkhovska Valentyna


Education - higher law. She graduated: in 2000 from the Kharkiv National Law Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav the Wise (with the specialty "Jurisprudence" qualification "specialist lawyer"), in 2002 - the Kyiv Bar Academy of Ukraine with the specialty "Jurisprudence" - the qualification "Master of Laws" (with honors).
She defended her PhD thesis on the topic: "Cultural values ​​as objects of civil rights" on 15.12.2015 in the specialized academic council of the National University "Odesa Law Academy" on 12.00.03 "Civil law and civil process; family law; international private law".
From September 1, 2011 to December 31, 2016, she worked as a teacher of the "Jurisprudence" discipline at the College of Economics and Law of the Vinnytsia Cooperative Institute.
In 2018, she completed an international internship at the University of Wismar (Germany) in the teaching methodology of legal disciplines and received the relevant certificate, and in 2019 - received a certificate confirming knowledge of a foreign language at the B2 level.
The academic title of associate professor of the Department of Pathological Anatomy, Forensic Medicine and Law (for the law course) was awarded by the decision of the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on February 26. 2020.
The main direction of scientific activity is the study of problematic issues related to the implementation of the provisions of civil and family law in the field of health care.
Experience of scientific and pedagogical work - 8 years.
During scientific and pedagogical activity (since 2013), 28 scientific and educational and methodological works were prepared and published, including 13 scientific articles in domestic and international specialized legal publications (of which 1 is in a publication included in the Scopus scientometric database. ). Teaching since September 1, 2017.

Mishchuk Anastasiya Andriyivna

senior laboratory assistant, PhD


Dzhurabayev Volodymyr

Years of work at the department: 2009 - 2023

part-time teacher

Head of the Department of Examination of Victims, Accused and Other Persons of the Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the City of Vinnytsia

Bulat Halyna

Years of work at the department: 1984 - 2022

senior laboratory assistant


About the beginning of studies on September 2, 2024


Dear students!
Your first class will take place in:
Teacher Tsyba Roman - Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine (Location of Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine on Google Maps can be found in the Contacts tab);
Teacher Perebetiuk Anatoliy - group number 81a, 83a - at the university (3rd floor, Department of Forensic Medicine); group 82a and 84a - Vinnytsia Bureau of Forensic Examination.

Dear students!Your first class will take place in:

Teacher Tsyba Roman - Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine (Location of Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine on Google Maps can be found in the Contacts tab);

Teacher Perebetiuk Anatoliy - group number 81a, 83a - at the university (3rd floor, Department of Forensic Medicine); group 82a and 84a - Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine (Location of Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine on Google Maps can be found in the Contacts tab).

Science activity


Since 2018, teachers of the Department of Forensic Medicine attend international scientific and practical conferences in different parts of the world in order to exchange knowledge and establish contacts with the departments of forensic medicine of other universities.
Thus, in 2018, the staff of the course of forensic medicine attended the 26th international conference of forensic experts Alpe-Adria-Pannonia (Pula, Croatia). During the conference, Gunas Valeriy made a report on the results of his dissertation.
As a result of the visit Byard Roger - MD, prof. University of Adelaide, Head of the Department of Pathology named after Richard Marx (Australia) became a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Morphology.

Since 2018, teachers of the Department of Forensic Medicine attend international scientific and practical conferences in different parts of the world in order to exchange knowledge and establish contacts with the departments of forensic medicine of other universities.
Thus, in 2018, the staff of the course of forensic medicine attended the 26th international conference of forensic experts Alpe-Adria-Pannonia (Pula, Croatia). During the conference, Gunas Valeriy made a report on the results of his dissertation.
As a result of the visit Byard Roger - MD, prof. University of Adelaide, Head of the Department of Pathology (Australia) became a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Morphology.


Teachers of forensic medicine of VNMU with Chernivtsi colleagues during a conference in Croatia.

In 2019 took part in the 52nd Krsekova súdnolekárska konferencija, which took place in Bratislava. During the meeting it was discussed the possibility of a visit of Turkish colleagues to VNMU and established contacts with the Indian delegation represented by prof. Adarsh Kumar.


Teachers of forensic medicine with colleagues from Turkey (Prof. Mete) and Spain (Prof. Luna) during a conference in Bratislava

As a result, six months later, Prof. Gulmen Mete visited the VNMU, conducted a master class at the Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine and signed a cooperation agreement between the University of Adana and VNMU. Also, prof. Mete became a member of the editorial board of the journal Biomedical and Biosocial Anthropology.


The moment of signing the cooperation agreement between the University of Adana (Prof. Gulmen Mete) and VNMU (Prof. Moroz V.M.)

In 2020, teachers of forensic medicine were invited byprof. Adarsh Kumar at the 41st Conference of the Association of Forensic Medical Experts of India, held in Hyderabad, during which all members of the Ukrainian delegation made reports that were highly appreciated by the host country.


Assistant of the department Perebetyuk A.M. introduces Indian colleagues to the structure of forensic expert service in Ukraine.

As a result of the visit, prof. Adarsh ​​Kumar became a member of the editorial board of the journal Biomedical and Biosocial Anthropology, and Gunas V.I., Bondarchuk G.O. became members of the editorial board of two journals included in the scientometric database Scopus.


The staff of the department actively publishes the results of its research both in professional Ukrainian journals and in journals included in the scientometric databases WoS and Scopus.


A research insectarium with scorpions has been operating since 2020.


The Student Scientific Club of Forensic Medicine successfully operates at the department and also gained the first experience of a trip abroad in 2018, when a team of students (supervisor Gunas V.I.) attended the International Student Scientific Conference in Graz (Austria) and Pudriy Volodymyr at the morphological section conference presented the results of scientific work of the team.



4th year students of VNMU: Pudriy Volodymyr, Humeniuk Maksym and Cherkaska Natalia during registration at the conference in Graz.

In 2019, members of the scientific club visited the International Medical Congress of Young Scientists and Students in Ternopil and the Bukovynian International Medical and Pharmaceutical Congress of Students and Young Scientists in Chernivtsi.


Gumenyuk Maksym and Khomuk Nazariy receive a 1st degree diploma from the rector of TSMU. Scientific adviser - Perebetyuk A.M.


Tsyba Roman and Pastukh Olena during registration at TSMU. Received a diploma of the 3rd degree. Scientific adviser - Musienko D.V.

The Student Scientific Club successfully operates and holds regular meetings both at the university at the Department of Forensic Medicine and at the clinical base of the department - in the Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine. The staff of the department and the staff of the bureau sincerely and always help the work of the department. Plakhotniuk I.M. actively helps the work of the circle, who also regularly holds long-term demonstration autopsies for members of the scientific club.


Employees of the department are actively engaged in scientific and educational activities, conducting lectures for students of other educational institutions of the city of Vinnytsia.

гель екскурсія


курсанти гунас

екскурсія плахотнюк


In 2019, thanks to the contacts received during visits to foreign conferences, the staff of the department organized a master class "Clinical, pathological and medico-legal approach to sudden cardiac death; violence against women; medico-legal evaluation of expertise system” with the participation of Professor Mete Korkut Gulmen (Turkey) on the basis of the Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination (Vinnytsia), which was the first visit of a foreign delegation of forensic experts in the modern history of the bureau.



Literature published by department

Qualification works


Сontact email of the department:


You can find your teacher:

Teachers of the law course - 3rd floor of the left wing of the morphological building of VNMU. Pirogov Street 56.

Docent Mokanyuk O.I. - 3rd floor of the left wing of the morphological building of VNMU. Pirogov Street 56.

Professor Voronov V.T. - 2nd floor of Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination. Hliba Uspenskoho Street 83. 

Head of Department Gunas V.I. - 3rd floor of the left wing of the morphological building of VNMU. Pirogov Street 56.

Assistant Perebetyuk A.M. - 3rd floor of Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination. Hliba Uspenskoho Street 83. Office 307.

Assistant Tsyba Roman - 3rd floor of Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination. Hliba Uspenskoho Street 83. Office 307.


The laboratory of the department where you can find out all the necessary information is located on the 3rd floor of the left wing of the morphological building of VNMU. Pirogov Street 56.
Study rooms where the course of Law is taught and forensic medicine is taught by Associate Professor Mokanyuk A.I. are located on the 3rd floor of the left wing of the morphological building of VNMU. Pirogov Street 56.
The classroom where Forensic medicine is taught by other teachers of the department is located in the Vinnitsa Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine, located on the first floor.

The laboratory of the department where you can find out all the necessary information is located on the 3rd floor of the left wing of the morphological building of VNMU. Pirogov Street 56.
Study rooms where the course of Law and Forensic Medicine is taught are located on the 3rd floor of the left wing of the morphological building of VNMU. Pirogov Street 56.
If teacher told you that you ll have class of Forensic Medicine in Vinnitsa Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine - the classroom is located in the Vinnitsa Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine on the first floor (Hliba Uspenskoho Street 83).


Warning! Entrance to the 2nd and 3rd floors of the Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine is provided only with the permission of security after consultation with the teacher.


Entrance to the Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine


Location of Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine on Google Maps:

Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine location