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Qualification works

Clinical ordinator


Staff of Department of Internal Medicine # 3Department of Internal Medicine № 3 established in 1973
Currently on chair is 3 Doctors of Medical Sciences -
 Denesiuk Vitalii, Storozhuk Borys, Ivanov Valerii;

 11 associate professors, 6 assistant professors, 1 senior technicians, 2 laboratory.


Staff of the chair of Internal Medicine # 3

Ivanov Valerii P. - Chair, professor

Denesiuk Vitalii I. - Professor
Storozhuk Borys G. - Professor
Afanasyuk Oksana I. - Associate of professor
Osyadla Emilia S. - Associate of professor
Kolesnik Oleh M.- Associate of professor
Bilokonna Nataliia S.- Associate of professor

Sizova Marina P. - Associate of professor

Shmaliy  Valentin  I.- Associate of professor

Bilonko Oksana F. – Associate of  Professor

Maslovskyi Valentyn J. - Associate of  Professor

Kovalchuk Olena V.- Associate of Professor
Nyushko Tetyana Y.- Associate of  Professor

Barskaya Olena V. - Associate of Professor

         Pentiuk Larisa O.- Assistant of  Professor

Myzika Nadiya O. - Assistent of Professor

Kolesnik Mariya O. - Assistent of Professor

Khapitskaya Olga P - Assistant of professor

Storozhuk Nadiya V. - Assistent of Professor


History of the Department


Department of Internal Medicine № 3 (up to 2008 - Hospital therapy № 2) established in September 1973. It was one of the first medical schools of Ukraine as chair subordinators of therapy. Creating such a department was motivated by the need to improve training subordinator therapists. One of the main objectives of the department was organizational guidance training physicians under a single educational thematic plan, since it was 6 courses students enrolled in three therapy department of our university.

Major role in the organization and establishment of the Department of Hospital therapy № 2 belongs provost for academic work at that time Professor Borys A. Zelinsky (1932-2001), who became the first head of the department. For 4 years management department Borys A. Zelinsky made a significant contribution to the organization of teaching, clinical work of the department.

Scientific direction of the department were mainly problems of cardiology.
Prof. Zelinsky conducted extensive scientific work. During the leadership of the Department, he prepared three PhD, implemented modern methods of training of doctors, created the conditions for teaching and research.

Originally databases department were therapeutic and gastroenterology department city clinical hospital # 1,  therapy department railway hospital, hematology department of the regional hospital n.a. N.I. Pirogov and therapy department regional endocrinology clinic.
Department faculty have been equipped. In city clinical hospital # 1 and endocrinology clinics were organized clinical laboratories, in the railway hospital - functional diagnostics.
The first academic department staff consisted of 13 members: prof. Zelinsky B., prof. Shklyar M., associates of professor Lipnytskiy, Symbirtseva, assistants Fesenko, Koshevskoy, Shokur,  Kogut, Melashchenko, Bogdanova, Petrashov, Zelinsky, Slobodyanik.

In 1977, on the basis of our institute established the first department of endocrinology in the former Soviet Union, and it was headed by Prof. Zelinsky, and as head of the Department of Hospital Therapy number 2 was chosen Professor M. Sheverda (1921-2003), who headed it for 14 years.

He produced three Ph.D., has published about 90 scientific papers, received a certificate for 15 rationalization proposals.

During the leadership of Department Prof. Sheverda paid much attention to educational and methodical work and improve the educational process and the formation of students' science-based clinical thinking, which is based were laid parses clinical patients.
The staff of the department issued guidelines for emergency care and therapy, methodological development of the workshops with outpatient work that helped improve the training subordinator.

Prof. Sheverda was a good lecturer. His lectures were deep and interesting, they are often attended by students from other courses, the doctors of the city. Under the supervision of the department, students spent an interesting conversation about the artists, poets, composers of Slide Shows, reading poetry with music, which enjoyed great popularity.

Since 1981, the clinical base of the department were added and therapeutic cardiology department city clinical hospital # 3, the teaching staff of the department added assistants  Bondarenko, Zhabina, Pyehterev, Doroshenko, Otkalenkom, Derhun, Lavrov.

In 1985 he became the base of the chair and urban cardiology clinic.
Since 1991 the department was headed by Professor Vitalii Denesiuk that from 1970 to 1980, he worked as first assistant and since 1981 - Associate Professor propaedeutic care of our university and conducted workshops with students of the 6th year. In 1986 he defended his doctoral dissertation and was promoted to the position of assistant professor of hospital treatment number 2, later was elected professor, and from 1991 to the present head of the department of internal medicine number 3.

Over the years, Prof. Denesiuk as head of the department significantly improved scientific work, clearly defined main research activities of the group - current problems cardiology.

Prof. Denesiuk became the organizer of national and inter-regional scientific conferences on topical issues of internal medicine who in 1997 held annually (16 consecutive years) with the participation of leading scientists and physicians Ukraine who share their scientific developments. Conference enjoyed considerable popularity in practitioners of the city, region and other regions.

The Department improved educational and methodical work by the Bologna Declaration. Particular attention is given to practical training of students and medical interns, the ability to examine patients, the interpretation of research findings, the diagnosis according to the modern classification & treatment based on evidence-based medicine advances.
The Department for the first time in Ukraine since 2008 contests works by students of the 6th year for the better preparation of diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic algorithms in internal medicine and contests for the best students logical thinking of following their performance at student conferences at the department.

Professor Denesiuk published about 400 scientific papers, published 27 monographs and textbooks and manuals. He has trained 22 candidates and doctors of medical sciences and now under his direction performed candidate and doctoral dissertations. During his work, all lecturers were candidates and doctors of medical sciences.

Actively preparing scientific replacing Professor Valerii Ivanov, who was awarded the title in 2012. Under his direct advising 3 Ph.D. theses, and Professor Borys Storozhuk are 6 PhD.

In 2008, Professor V. Denesiuk became Academician of higher education in Ukraine in 1995 - Academician of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences of Ukraine in 1998 - Academician of the New York Academy of Sciences (USA), in 1999 - academician of the Ukrainian Ecological Academy of Sciences, 1999 - Academician Economic Cybernetics of Ukraine. In 1999 he was awarded an honorary leader of scientific medical and technical society of Ukraine, and in 2008 - awarded the Medal of MD Strazhesko and awarded two diplomas Minister of Healthcare of Ukraine and the other - the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. He is chairman of Vinnitsa Regional Branch of higher education in Ukraine.

After closing the urban cardiology clinic database of the Department are: rheumatological department of city clinical hospital number 1, cardiology department for patient with heart arhythmias in the communal institute " Vinnitsia Regional Clinical and Diagnostic center of Cardiovascular Diseases", 3 therapeutic department of the regional clinical hospital of invalids of the Great Patriotic War, the two branches Clinical Hospital № 3, Vinnitsa regional hospital.

Currently, the Department is located at 5 clinical sites with 460 therapeutic beds. The Department has 18 teachers: 3 professors, 11 associate professors, 6 assistant professors and 3  laboratory technician. All lecturers have academic rank candidates and medical doctors.

The title of Professor conferred B.G. Storozhuk in 2003, V.P. Ivanov in 2012. The title associate of professor awarded Oliinyk Olena in 1992, Galina Kotsuta - 2000, Osyadla Emilia - 2000, Valerii Ivanov – 2005, Oleh Kolesnik - 2005, Bilokonna Nataliia - 2007, Dumin Petr- 2002, Shmaliy  Valentin  - 2012, O.I. Afanasyuk - 2013, O.F. Bilonko - 2013, V.Y. Maslovsky - 2015, T.Y.Nushko - 20116, O.V. - Kovalchuk - 2016. In recent years the Department has added a new assistant candidate of medical sciences: Pentiuk Larisa, Y.Y. Shushkovskaya, N.O. Muzika, O.P. Khapitska, M.O. Kolesnik, N.V. Storozhuk, I.A. Mezievskaya. 

Significant place in the department given training and technical work.

First in Ukraine Vitalii Denesiuk and Olena Denesiuk in 2011 published a booklet called "Evidence-based internal medicine", which was awarded the Second Prize of higher education in Ukraine. In 2011, edited by V. Denesiuk and authors came second textbook "Internal Medicine and anxiety-depressive disorder," which was awarded the Academy Award and higher education in Ukraine. Members of the department created bank tests for training students 6 courses and medical interns equipped computer lab.

Research Department has more than 950 scientific papers, including more than 40 monographs and textbooks, received more than 30 inventor's certificates (Borys Storozhuk professors - 22, Valerii Ivanov - 12, Vitalii Denesiuk - 11 and others).
Over the years the department on it enrolled about 10 thousand students and 1000 medical interns, 47 medical residents, graduate students and undergraduates who work in different parts of our country and abroad.

For 40 years the Department of Internal Medicine № 3 of our university graduates and is responsible for preparing domestic students of the 6th year, and medical interns of internal medicine. Staff of the Department of Internal Medicine № 3 much faithfully and fruitfully working in the field of health and strive for education and training of young qualified doctors.


Ivanov Valerii

Head of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 3, Professor of internal medicine #3 chair, Doctor of Medical Science

Valery Ivanov was born April 1, 1965 in Novograd Volyn, Zhytomyr region. In 1991 he graduated from Vinnitsa Medical Institute. MI Pirogov (at present - Vinnitsa National Medical University n.a. MI Pirogov) specialty "General Medicine" (diploma TV number 884226). In 1991-1992, held deep in therapy internship at the Department of Hospital therapy № 2 Vinnitsa Medical Institute. Since 1992 he worked as a senior laboratory assistant, and since 1995 - the assistant of the same chair. In 1996 he defended his thesis on the specialty 14.01.11 - cardiology "DIFFERENTIAL TREATMENT paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter depending on the type VIOLATION hemodynamic" at the Ukrainian Institute of Cardiology. Academician
MD Strazhesko Sciences of Ukraine (Diploma of Candidate of Medical Sciences -
CN number 012266). In 2005 he was elected assistant professor of hospital treatment number 2 Vinnitsa National Medical University. As assistant June 21, 2007 (Diploma Associate Professor - 12DTS number 017317). In 2006 he defended his doctoral thesis in specialty 14.01.11 - cardiology "ROLE arrhythmias in the pathogenesis of worsening heart failure with coronary heart disease in combination with hypertension, treatment optimization" in Ivano-Frankivsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Ukraine (degree of Doctor of Medicine - DD number 005404). In 2006 he received the Prize of the regional state administration. April 1, 2012 elected professor of medicine vnutrinshoyi number 3 Vinnitsa National Medical University
Since June 2017 - Head of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 3

Denesiuk Vitalii

Professor, Doctor of Medical Science

Denisyuk Vitalii born October 5, 1938 in the village Rogozna Nemirovsky region Vinnytsia region in a family of peasants.
In 1953-1957 he attended medical school at Vinnitsa. From 1957 to 1961 he served in the Black Sea Fleet on the cruiser - first radiotelegraph missile submarines, and then - head of the pharmacy cruiser.
From 1961 to 1967 he studied at Vinnitsa Medical Institute, while working as a laboratory of Faculty of therapy, and then - paramedic hematology department Regional Hospital. After graduation he worked as assistant of principal medical school and physician Pogrebischenskoy regional hospital.
In 1968-1970 he studied in clinical internship at the Department of propaedeutic therapy Vinnitsa State Medical Institute.
From 1970 to 1980 he worked as an assistant therapy propaedeutic Vinnitsa State Medical Institute.
In 1972 he defended his thesis.
From 1981 to 1986 he was a lecturer propaedeutic therapy, and from 1982 to 1985 - studied at the department doctoral propaedeutic therapy.
In 1986 he defended his doctoral work "The role of the central and regional hemodynamics, microcirculation and tissue metabolism in heart failure in ischemic heart disease and methods of correction of violations."
From 1990 to 1991 he was professor of department, and from 1991 to 2017 the chair of Department of Internal Medicine № 3 Vinnitsa National Medical University, from June 2017 - professor of department

Storozhuk Borys

Professor of internal medicine #3 chair, Doctor of Medical Science

Autobiography: was born in 1952. In 1968 graduated from high school. From 1968 – 1970 worked at military factory. In 1970 entered Vinnitsa Medical Institution named by N. I. Pirogov, and graduated it in 1976. From 1976 – 1977 – passed the internship in therapy major. From 1977 - 2002 worked as a doctor cardiologist and reanimator in reanimation and intensive therapy unit of the cardiology department in clinical city hospital #4. Since 2002 obtained the appointment of senior reader, and since 2004 obtained position of professor of internal medicine #3 chair.

Maslovskyi Valentyn Juriyevich

Professor of Internal Medicine № 3, Doctor of medical sciences

Valentyn Maslovskyi, professor of the department of internal medicine No. 3, doctor of medical sciences, head of the medical department of the university.
In 1999 graduated from Vinnytsia State Medical University named after M. I. Pirogov, specialty "Medical business".
After graduating from high school, he worked as a therapist and a cardiologist at Vinnytsia Medical Center No. 1. In December 2002, he was admitted to postgraduate studies in the specialty "Internal Diseases" by competition.
In 2007, he defended his candidate's thesis on the specialty 14.01.11 – cardiology on the topic "Influence of secretory phospholipase A2, paraoxonase and oxidative stress on endothelial and myocardial function in some forms of coronary artery disease" in the specialized academic council D 35.600.05 at the Lviv National Medical University named after Danyla Halytskyi, Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
From September 2007, he was enrolled as an assistant of professor at the Department of Internal Medicine No. 3 on a part-time basis, from September 11, 2009, he was transferred to the full-time position of an assistant of professor at the same department.
During 2011-2017, he worked as a cardiologist in the intensive care unit of the stroke department No. 22 of the Vinnytsia regional clinical psycho-neurological hospital named after Acad. O. I. Yushchenko, cardiology department No. 2 of Vinnytsia Medical Center No. 1, departments for patients with rhythm disorders and patients with myocardial infarction of the Vinnytsia regional clinical treatment diagnostic center of cardiovascular pathology on a part-time basis.
On 29 May 2015, he was selected by competition for the position of associate professor of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 3.
In 2020, he planned a doctoral dissertation on the topic "Prognostic value of various clinical-instrumental markers and basic therapy options for assessing the quality of life and the nature of the course of myocardial infarction without ST-segment elevation" in the specialty 14.01.11 – cardiology, which he successfully defended in the specialized academic council D 20.601.02 at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
From December 2022 – Chairman of the Board of the public organization "Association of Specialists in Preventive Cardiology of Vinnytsia".
From May 2023, he heads the medical department of Vinnytsia National Medical University named after M.I Pirogov.
Areas of scientific and practical activity – treatment of coronary artery disease, including interventional treatment, counseling of cardiac patients with comorbidities, expert echocardiography, including speckle-tracking Echocardiography, Holter ECG monitoring. Participant and speaker at numerous Congresses of the European Association of Cardiology, in particular, at the IV World Congress on Heart Failure (Paris, France, 2017); Congresses of the European Association of Cardiologists EuroPrevent (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2018), (Lisbon, Portugal, 2019), (online, 2021, 2022), VI World Congress on Heart Failure (Athens, Greece, 2019); ESC Acute CardioVascular Care (online, 2020, 2021, 2022).
Author and co-author of numerous publications in professional journals, including publishing houses belonging to the 1st quartile according to SCImago Journal & Country Rank and publications of the European Society Cardiology Journal Family published by Oxford University Press.

Afanasiuk Oksana Ivanivna

Assistent Professor of Internal Medicine № 3, PhD of medical sciences

Born in 1978 in Vinnitsa.1995-2001 he was studying at Vinnytsia National Medical University, who graduated with honors.From 2001 to 2002 she studied at the internship in "therapy" at the hospital of invalids of the Great Patriotic War. Since 2001. to 2002 she studied at the Master at the Department of Hospital Therapy number 2 that graduated with honors.
From 2002 to 2006 she worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Hospital therapy № 2 . From 2002 to 2005 he studied at the graduate school at the Department of Hospital therapy № 2. From 2005 to present - Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine № 3.

Kolesnik Oleh Nikolaevich

Associate Professor of Internal Medicine № 3, PhD of medical sciences

He graduated with honors from Vinnitsa Medical Institute. MI Pirogov in 1993. Was appointed to the position of senior laboratory department of hospital treatment number 2. From 1993 to 1995 he studied at the magistrates in "therapy". Since 2000 - assistant hospital treatment number 2. In 2002 he defended his thesis on "The Role of pathological changes in central hemodynamic, tissue respiration in the event of frequent recurrence of atrial fibrillation in patients with coronary artery disease and methods of correction." In 2006 he was elected as assistant professor of internal medicine number 3, where he works to this day.

Osyadla Emiliya Emiliya

Assotiate of professor, PhD

Osyadla Emiliya was born November 9, 1962 in aKupin, Gorodok District Khmelnitsky region. In 1982, she graduated from Kamenets-Podolsk medical school. In 1988, she graduated from Vinnitsa Medical Institute. NI Pirogov. From 1988 to 1991. studied in residency on "therapy." Since September 1991 credited as assistant Department of Hospital Therapy number 2 Vinnitsa Medical Institute. NI Pirogov. Since 2000, Associate Professor of the same department. In 1998 she defended her thesis on "The Role of microcirculatory and metabolic disorders in the development of refractory to medical treatment of cardiac arrhythmias and how to correct them."

Sizova Marina

Associate Professor of Internal Medicine № 3, PhD of medical sciences

Autobiography: I was born on Noveber 23, 1962 in Vinnytsia. I finished the school № 17. From 1980 to 1986 I studied at Vinnytsia medical university of M. Pirogov. From 1986 on 1991 I worked as a doctor-therapeutist in a military part №28000 of the Moscow region. In 1991 I returned to Vinnytsia. From 1991 to 1993 I studied at clinical residency on the base of department of internal medicine № 3 of Vinnytsia medical university. After finishing the clinical residency I was elected as assistant of professor of department. In 2003 I was elected as docent of the same department.

Bilokonna Nataliia

Associate Professor of Internal Medicine № 3, PhD of medical sciences

In 1986 he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine Vinnitsa Medical Institute. MI Pirogov specialty medical business. After the internship she worked as a physician at City Hospital № 3 Vinnitsa.
From 1990 to 1997 he headed the department of functional diagnostics urban kinichnoho cardiology clinic. In 1991 he entered the distance postgraduate Department of Pharmacology IUI, which I finished in 1993. In 1994 she defended her thesis at Kyiv National Institute of Pharmacology on "Protyfibrylyatorna activity combined use of antiarrhythmic drugs." As an assistant Department of Hospital Therapy № 3 Vinnitsa National Medical University z1999 year. In 2007 awarded the rank of assistant professor.

Shmaliy Valentin Ivanovich

Associate Professor of Internal Medicine № 3, PhD of medical sciences

Born in the village Bahrynivtsi Lityn district Vinnytsia region in 1965
From 1972 he studied in po1980 Bahrynivskiy school, which became a secondary education.
In 1980 he joined the Vinnitsa Medical School, which he graduated in 1984, specializing in medical assistant.
Since 1986. po1992r. studied in Vinnitsa Medical Institute. Pirogov at the Faculty of Medicine.
Internship in specialty "therapy" was held from 1992. po1994r. based on Vinnytsia CRH and CRH Litinsky.
The work was directed Litinsky CRH, where he worked as a doctor since 1994. in 2000.
Since 2000. in 2002. studied in clinical studies in the specialty "therapy" at the Department of Hospital therapy № 2 VNMU them .. MI Pirogov.
Since 2003. in 2005 was in graduate school, specializing in "therapy" at the Department of Hospital Therapy № 2 VNMU them .. MI Pirogov.
In his role as assistant to the department of internal medicine number 3 of 2005 VNMU them. MI Pirogov.
Since 2012. as assistant professor of internal medicine number 3 VNMU them .. MI Pirogov.
Higher category on therapy, the first category by ultrasound.

Bilonko Oksana

Associate of Professor of Internal Medicine № 3, PhD of medical sciences

Oksana Bilonko, 1976 born, graduated from Vinnitsa State Medical University in 1999.
From 1999 to 2000 had internship in internal diseases at the Vinnytsia District Hospital and simultaneously master the Department of Hospital therapy № 2. From 09/01/2000 to 01/12/2000 - Teacher therapy Vinnitsa Medical College.
From 12.01.2000 until 12.01.2003 year - full-time postgraduate study at the department of hospital therapy № 2, from 2003 - Assistant Professor hospital therapy № 2, from December 2013 - Associate of Professor.

Niushko Tetiana

Assotiate Professor of Internal Medicine № 3, PhD of medical sciences

Born January 11, 1975 in t Volodarsk-Volyn, Zhytomyr region. From 1982 to 1992 she studied at Volodarsk-Volyn school № 2. From 1993 to 1999 he studied at Vinnitsa National Medical University. From 1999 to 2000 held internships in therapy at the Department of Hospital Therapy № 2 of the same university. From 2003 to 2007 she studied in graduate school at the Department of Hospital Therapy number 2. In 2008 she defended her PhD thesis on "Features of structural and functional changes in left ventricular and vascular endothelial function in hypertensive patients with different circadian blood pressure and their dynamics under the influence of combination antihypertensive therapy." Adopted in March 2010 as assistant chair of internal medicine number 3.

Barskа Оlena V.

Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences

In 2000 she graduated from Vinnytsia National Medical University. M.I. Pirogov. From 2001 to 2003 she worked as a resident physician at the cardiology department of the Military Medical Center of the Ukrainian Air Force. From 2003 to 2007 she studied at the full-time post-graduate course on internal diseases on the basis of the Department of Faculty Therapy of Vinnytsia National Medical University. M.I. Pirogov. Since December 1, 2006 - assistant of the department of propaedeutics of internal medicine. He led the patients in the pulmonological, cardiological, rheumatological departments of the State Clinical Hospital No.1, and advised as a therapist of patients in the surgical department of the City Clinical Hospital No.1. From 2012 to 2017 - Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine. Since September, 2017 - the senior lecturer of faculty of internal medicine №3. Conducts practical classes with students of the 6th year of the Medical Faculty. Has the first certification category on therapy. Advises patients in rheumatological and surgical departments of State Clinical Hospital No.1.

Kovalchuk Olena Valerievna

Assotiate Professor of Internal Medicine № 3, PhD of medical sciences

Born in the city of Vinnitsa in 1972.
She graduated from Vinnitsa National Medical University in 1996, specialty medical business. The Department of Internal Medicine № 3 working since 2006. In 2009 she defended kandydatsku thesis: "Predictors continuously recurring atrial fibrillation in coronary artery disease and methods of medical treatment." Since 2010
I work as an assistant of the same department.
Has 9 publications in exactly the same journals.

Pentiuk Larisa

Associate of Professor of Internal Medicine № 3, PhD of medical sciences

She graduated in 2000 secondary school № 23 in Vinnitsa.
From 2000 to 2006 she studied at the Faculty of Medicine Vinnitsa National Memorial Pirogov University on "general medicine", where she graduated with honors.
From 2006 to 2008 she studied at the master at the Department of Internal Medicine № 3 Vinnitsa National Memorial Pirogov University.
In 2008 he graduated with honors defended the work for the degree of Master of Medicine in Internal Medicine: "Communication with the metabolic risk factors of the cardiovascular system in women with hypertension depending on the reproductive age."
In 2008 - 2011 years of post-graduate student at the Department of Internal Medicine № 3 Vinnitsa National Memorial Pirogov University.
In 2011 she defended her thesis on the specialty 14.01.11 - cardiology, entitled " Metabolic risk factors in women with essential hypertension: relationship with sex hormones levels and effectiveness of treatment. "
Since 2011 is an assistant professor of internal medicine № 3 Vinnitsa National Memorial Pirogov University.
The author of 10 scientific articles.

Hapitskaya Olga Petrivna

Associate of Professor of Internal Medicine № 3

Muzuka Nadiya Olegivna

Assosiate Professor of Internal Medicine № 3

Born 1988 in city Vinnytsya. 2005-2011 years - study in the National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, specialty "Medicine". 2011-2014 years - master studies in National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, specialty "Medicine", earned master's degree in Medicine from internal diseases and received a diploma "with distinction". From 12.01.2014 years - postgraduate study, full-time student learning. 01. 09. 2015 - 30. 06. 2016 year - teacher-trainee Department of Internal Medicine №3. Since 09.01.2016 till present time - assistant Department of Internal Medicine № 3.

Mezhiyevska Irina

Assosiate Professor of Internal Medicine № 3, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Mezhievskaya Irina Anatoliyivna graduated from Vinnytsia National Medical University. E. Pirogov in 2013, majoring in medical business.
2013 - 2015 - internship in therapy.
2015 - 2017 - clinical residency in the specialty of internal medicine on the basis of the Department of Internal Medicine №3.
After internship and specialization in cardiology from 2016 to 2019 she worked as a cardiologist in the intensive care unit in the department for patients with arrhythmia and in the department for patients with myocardial infarction Vinnytsia Regional Center for Cardiovascular Pathology.
2017-2021 - full-time (evening) postgraduate study for the qualification level of Doctor of Philosophy in Cardiology on the basis of the Department of Internal Medicine №3.
Since 2019 - Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine №3.
In 2019 she received an educational grant from the European Society of Cardiology to participate in the VI World Congress on Heart Failure (Athens, Greece) with a report on the results of her own research.
Participated with reports in the Congress of the European Association of Cardiologists EuroPrevent-2019 (Lisbon, Portugal), Acute Cardiovascular Care Congress-2020, 2021, 2022, EuroPrevent-2020, 2021, 2022, ESC Asia Congress-2021.
In 2021 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy on "Clinical and prognostic value of the level of growth stimulating factor expressed by gene 2 in the course of acute myocardial infarction without ST segment elevation."
He carries out medical work on the basis of the therapeutic department of KNP VOKGVV as a cardiologist and specialist in echocardiography.

Kolesnik Mariya Olegivna

Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine № 3

Storozhuk Nadiya Vasilivna

Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine № 3

Storozhuk Nadiia Vasylivna has completed the full course of Vinnitsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University in 2014-th and obtained complete higher education in “General medicine” major and get qualification of doctor. From 2014-th to 2016-th took the internship in “Internal Diseases” major and obtained qualification of doctor. Since 2016-th is a teacher of the department of internal medicine №3.


Science activity

Scientific direction of the Department of Hospital Therapy № 2 - Cardiology. The department studied and studied current issues of pathogenesis, risk factors for resistance, differential treatment, efficiency and safety of therapy of coronary artery disease, hypertension, arrhythmias and congestive heart failure. In recent years, much more active scientific work of the department, training of candidates and doctors of medical sciences. All employees of the department are candidates and doctors of medical sciences.

Over the past 15 years the Department of Hospital Therapy № 2 studied various aspects of cardio - vascular diseases. During this time written 4 planned scientific - research work of the department:

1. 1992 - 1998 years - "Improved methods of differential treatment and prediction of its efficacy in ekstrasystolichniy fibrillation and paroxysmal tachycardia in patients with coronary artery disease."

2. 1998 - 2003 years - "Structural - functional and membrane processes in ischemic heart disease, hypertension, arrhythmias and other heart diseases and methods to improve the effectiveness and safety of pharmacological correction."

3. 2003 - 2010 years - "Pathogenetic mechanisms of myocardial and endothelial dysfunction in vascular diseases of the heart, arrhythmias and heart failure and improve the efficiency and safety of treatment (clinical - experimental research).
4. 2010-2014. - "The role of oxidative stress, dyslipidemia, endothelial dysfunction and structural and functional impairment of myocardium in cardiovascular diseases and comorbid conditions. Optimization and improvement of methods of treatment."
5. From 01.01.2015, the planned new theme of research "Pathogenetic parallels between nejrogumoralnymi, metabolic and structural and functional impairment and the nature of the flow of various cardiovascular diseases and comorbid conditions, optimization of pharmacological correction." The theme is planned for 4 years to 12.2019.Prof. 

The vast majority of scientific theses of the department, was devoted to the study of various aspects of cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure, and performed at the bases of the former City of clinical cardiology clinic and cardiology department GKB № 1. Since arrhythmias Department published 5 books and 1 tutorial.

In clinical studies, the Department for the first time at the university was an experimental cardiology laboratory led by Professor T. Lipnytskoho, which later became a university laboratory. Employees of the Department in the experimental laboratory conducted a series of experimental studies on the mechanisms of arrhythmias. Employees of the Department developed some experimental models of cardiac arrhythmias in animals. Some results of experimental development department formed the basis of a number of clinical studies on the effectiveness and safety of antiarrhythmic drugs in various heart arrhythmias and develop differentiated treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.

In recent years, the Department deals with problems of myocardial and endothelial dysfunction in various diseases and metabolic syndrome. In this direction, the department developed prognostic clinical - instrumental predictors of different cardio - vascular complications, increase efficiency and optimize the treatment of these patients.

Research Department has more than 950 scientific papers, including more than 40 monographs and textbooks, received more than 30 inventor's certificates (BG Storozhuk professors - 22, VP Ivanov - 12, VI Denisyuk - 11 and others).
Denisyuk VI Presidential Decree Ukraine was awarded the title "Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine."  

Literature published by department