For students
To aspirants
Elective courses
Qualification works
Clinical ordinator
Teaching of clinical pharmacology at the University was started in 1986. In 1986 – 1992 Clinical Pharmacology course was headed by Professor Georgiy Stepaniuk, city hospital № 3 (therapeutic department and cardiology center) was a clinical base.
Since February, 1, 1992 the course have been headed by Professor Olga Yakovleva. Clinical studies of drugs were started to provide their best efficacy and to get rid of their side effects. Regional Pirogov Memorial hospital was added to the clinical base of the course. Since October, 2005 the course is a standalone Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology. Creation of new Stomatology, Farmaceutical and Medical Psychology faculties facilitated implementation of new interesting disciplines, parts of clinical pharmacology.
2 doctoral dissertations are being written now under Professor's Yakovleva direction, 9 master and 19 pre-doctoral theses have been defended.
There are post-graduate courses in the Department as well: an internship for Medical and Pharmaceutical faculties, educational cycles for post-graduate students, masters and residents are provided in three languages.
The Head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology is a member of specialized Councils on dissertations (specialized academic Councils on Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Physiopathology) and a member of the Testing Counsil on surgical specialties: surgery, obstetrics and gynecology. Since 2007 she is a member of the International Academy of Ecology and Safe Viability (Saint Petersberg). Scientific advanses of other departments studying is actively implemented in the educational process.
For her fruitful work, Professor Yakovleva have been awarded by the Rector's office of the University, the regional Administration of Vinnitsa region, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, and the Government of Ukraine.
Young scientists and the employees of the Department annually take part in Scientific society meetings and international conferences for the young scientists in the University. A competition on Clinical Pharmacology is held annually, where the winners are selected to take part in All-Ukrainian competitions and become prize-winners there.
Semenenko Sviatoslav
Head of the department, Associate professor, PhD
The topic of the Ph.D. thesis is “Efficiency and safety of application of fluoksetin at medical treatment of patients with ischemic heart disease, komorbidity with somatogenic depressions”, under the guidance of MD, professor O. Yakovleva.
He is working as assistant professor of the Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology now. He has been performing therapeutic work on the basis of the nephrology department of Vinnitsa Regional Clinical Hospital Named after N.I. Pirogov, since 2004.
The number of published works (articles, abstracts) – 52, co-author of the 12 manual books.
Yakovleva Olga
professor, doctor of medicine
She successfully defended her doctoral dissertation and received the title of Doctor of Medical Sciences in November 1991. In the following years - the title of Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy since June 1993.
Doctoral dissertation on the topic "Differentiated diagnosis of lipid homeostasis in patients with non-specific lung diseases and substantiation of metabolic correction with vitamins A and E" (clinical-experimental study), priority areas included research the surfactant system of the lungs, lipid-peroxide imbalance, assessment of moisture and excretory function of the lungs on the background of the analysis of condensate moisture of the exhaled air, role of antioxidant vitamins A and E for the preservation of metabolic homeostasis, on the basis of which a hypothesis was proposed for the interaction of cellular metabolisms of inflammation with the formation of secondary dyslipidemias in chronic broncho-pulmonary diseases. The idea of secondary dyslipidemias was then implemented internationally and included in their classification for respiratory diseases.
Since February 1992 Olga Yakovleva has headed the clinical pharmacology course at the Department of Pharmacology, and since 2005 – the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology at the Medical University. The scientific directions research are modern aspects of pharmacogenetics, introduction of new metabolic correctors in cardiology and pulmonology for improving the course of diseases and prevention of complications.
The introduction of new medical technologies that meet world standards is not limited to the department only. It should be emphasized for many years bring them closer to the peripheral level of doctors of Vinnytsia region, so they regularly conduct field conferences and schools in clinical pharmacology in regional hospitals, give lectures on regional television. Moreover, just for the initiative of the department, on the basis of the university were held 11 republican scientific conferences with international participation on problems of clinical pharmacology, and before each of them the collections of scientific papers and reports were issued obligatory.
Olga Yakovleva was the appointment from March 01, 1995 (and for a further 20 years) to the post of Head of the Postgraduate, Magistrate and Clinical Residency Department at Vinnytsia State Medical University. At this link, scientists know Olga Yakovleva as a competent, principled, strict assistant, who is always ready to advise the best ways to perform selected scientific research, trying to show the scientists higher goals and their abilities so that their research is in line with current demands.
Today Olga Yakovleva constant creative inspiration is realized more than in 700 printed works, 40 educational and methodical publications, co-authorship in 21 patents and utility model declarations. She was in charge for 21 PhD theses defending, 17 of them in clinical pharmacology and 9 master's.
Olga Yakovleva was included in the list of scientists "Scientific and educational potential of Ukraine" ("Ukrainian Rating – 2012, 2016"), was awarded a diploma and "Medal of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Science and Education".
Olga Yakovleva scientific achievements and her department colleagues have been repeatedly presented at the international level: since 1990 they have included reports in Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, on clinical pharmacology, and on pulmonology, at international Asthma congresses, at international congresses on geriatrics, infusion therapy, cardiology, free radical oxidative stress, pharmaco-economics, drug safety and nanotechnology, biophysical aspects of medicine, etc. Professor Yakovleva Olga joined the European Respiratory Society (1999), today "golden member", the annual scientific congresses of which she visits as a speaker or listener. She is member of the Specialized Council for the Thesis Defending at the Odessa National Medical University, a member of the Problem Commission on Clinical Pharmacology at the National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov), a member of the Board of Appraisal of the surgical disciplines in VNMU, a member of the editorial boards of two medical journals.
Doroshkevych Inna
Associate professor, PhD
From September 2007 to February 2015, she worked as a tutor at the Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology Department, where she held practical classes with Pharmacy and Medical faculty students - Clinical Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacology, Biopharmacy, Pharmaceutical care and Drug Toxicity, also with English-speaking students. In 2015, she held the degree of assistant professor of the Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology department. She holds practical and seminar classes in the postgraduate course with interns of the medical and pharmaceutical faculty. She actively participates in the research work of the department: "Organoprotective efficacy and safety of metabolic correctors in the treatment of comorbid pathological conditions" State registration number 0114U000195.
The number of published works (articles, abstracts) - 67. Co-author of 4 manual books for medical and pharmaceutical students.
She has been performing endocrinological work on the basis of military medical clinical center of central region since 2010, than on the basis of consultative-medical department of city medical-diagnostic center since 2016.
Pivtorak Kateryna
professor, doctor of medicine
She has published about 200 scientific and educational-methodical publications, including in the SCOPUS and Web of Science scient metric databases, awarded by the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine for her invention. She is a speaker at many Ukrainian and international forums on the subject of scientific work, she is a multiple winner and scholarship recipient of international programs and congresses. Dr. Kateryna is the author of the monograph "Endothelial Dysfunction and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease", co-author of the study guide "Side Effects of Medicines" and the study guide "Clinical Pharmacology of Medicines for the Treatment of Digestive Diseases", which is recommended by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for students of IV level higher medical educational institutions accreditation.
Baralo Raisa
Associate professor, PhD
Assistant Professor, Course of Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology, 1999 – 2005. Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology, 2005 – 2012.
She held practical classes and lectures at the pharmaceutical and medical faculties – subjects: Clinical Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical care. In 2012, she held the degree of assistant professor of the Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology department. She holds practical and seminar classes in the postgraduate course with interns of the medical and pharmaceutical faculty. She actively participates in the research work of the department: "Organoprotective efficacy and safety of metabolic correctors in the treatment of comorbid pathological conditions" State registration number 0114U000195.
The number of published works (articles, abstracts) -70. Co-author of 6 manual books for medical and pharmaceutical students.
She has been performing pulmonologist work since 1994 to 2000, and rheumatologist work since 2000 to 2018 on the Vinnytsia M.I. Pyrohov Regional Clinical Hospital. Since 2018, she has been a consultant in the clinical pharmacology of the rheumatology and urology departments of the same hospital on the issues of monitoring therapy and drug interactions in treatment regimens.
Konovalova Nina
Associate professor, PhD
In 2002 she defended her thesis on the topic: "Clinical and instrumental predictors of the development of frequent recurrences of atrial fibrillation in patients with essential hypertension" under the guidance of Professor V.I. Denisyuk, head of the department of hospital therapy number 2 VNMU. The thesis is devoted to the study of clinical and instrumental factors contributing to the worsening of the course of atrial fibrillation in patients with essential hypertension.
The medical and advisory work is carried out on the basis of the Military Medical Center of the Central Region in the department of gastroenterology. The doctor-therapist of the highest category.
Author and co-author of 9 articles, 31 theses and 3 scientific guides
Zhamba Alla
Associate professor, PhD
In 2002 she graduated from VNMU.
The topic of the Ph.D. thesis is “Metabolic correction of cardio-respiratory system by cardonat or mildronate at bronchial asthma taking into account phenotype of N-acetyltransferase 2”, under the guidance of MD, professor O. Yakovleva The official defense of the dissertation was held State institution “Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv, 2011.
She is working as assistant professor of the Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology now. He has been performing therapeutic work on the basis of the University clinic VNMU.
The number of published works (articles, abstracts) – 86, co-author of the 7 manual books.
Vozniuk Larysa
Associate professor, PhD
Graduated from Vinnytsia State Medical University MI Pirogov (1999). In 2010, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences "Immunoinflammatory reactions, tensions of antichlamidic immunity and their relationship with blood lipid spectrum in ischemic heart disease", specialty 14.01.11 - Cardiology, scientific adviser - prof. Department of Internal Medicine №1 VNMU them. MI Pirogov, MD VK Serkova. For the first time, a comprehensive study of the indicators of the intensity of antichlamidic immunity and immunoinflammatory reactions (tumor necrosis factor α, interleukin-6, C-reactive protein) in patients with various variants of the course of coronary heart disease and established their relationship with indicators of lipid spectrum. The values of antichlamidic immunity and proinflammatory cytokines as risk factors for atherosclerosis and predictors of exacerbation in coronary artery disease patients were studied depending on its clinical course. Based on the results obtained using the method of multivariate regression analysis, the criteria for prognosis in patients with coronary heart disease were established. The implementation of the study became recommendations for the introduction of methods of comprehensive examination of patients with coronary heart disease: to assess the risk of development and predictors of exacerbation of coronary heart disease, for the appointment of appropriate pathogenetic therapy.
From September 2007 to March 2015, she worked as a tutor at the Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology Department, where she held practical classes with Pharmacy and Medical faculty students - Clinical Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacology, Biopharmacy, Pharmaceutical care. In 2015, she held the degree of assistant professor of the Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology department. She holds practical and seminar classes in the postgraduate course with interns of the medical and pharmaceutical faculty.
LA Vozniuk has 73 scientific publications that are included in the Scopus and Web of Science science-based databases. Larysa is a co-author of the subject "Side Effects of Drugs".
Kyrychenko Olga
Associate professor, PhD
From 2006 to 2008 she studied in the internship of "General practice-family medicine", as well as in the master's degree at the department of polyclinic therapy and family medicine of the National Pirogov Memorial Medical University. In 2008 she defended her master's thesis on "Peptic H. pylori-associated erosive-ulcerative lesions of the duodenum: an analysis of the causes of pharmacotherapy failure" performed under the guidance of Professor Chernobroviy V.M. and received her Master of Medicine degree.
From 2009 to 2012 she studied in full-time postgraduate course in specialty 14.01.28 - "clinical pharmacology" in clinical pharmacy and clinical pharmacology department of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University. In 2014, she defended her dissertation for a Candidate of Medical Sciences degree at the Special Academic Council at the Odessa National Medical University. Dissertation topic is "Valsartan and B-group vitamins in the pharmacotherapy of hypertension", Scientific work was performed under the guidance of professor Yakovleva O.O.
From September 2011 to May 2019 she worked as an assistant at the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology, and from June 2019 transferred to the position of Associate Professor. She teaches students of medical, dental and pharmaceutical faculties in subjects "Clinical pharmacology", "Pharmacotherapy", "Side effect of drugs", "Clinical trials of medications".
Medical work is carried out at the University Clinic. She has specialization in therapy and cardiology.
Since 2016 she is responsible for medical work at the department.
She is an author of 29 printed works (articles, abstracts) and 2 declarative patents for utility model. She is a co-author of Side Effect of Medicines textbook.
Shcherbeniuk Nataliia
Assistant, PhD
Qualified as a highest category general practitioner. Got an endocrinology specialty in 2021. Carrys out medical work at the VNMU University clinic. Total number of articles is 36. Is a co-author of 2 scientific-metodological manuals.
Vitruk Tetiana
The medical work is carried out on the basis of the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Central Region, she is the first-degree physician.
As a search engineer, she worked on the implementation of scientific work on the topic: "Correction of small bowel lesions in acute period of burn disease with infusion colloidal solution HAES-LX-5% (experimental research)", which is the part of the planned research work of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology on the topic "Experimental substantiation of the effectiveness of complex infusion drug products on the model of burn disease" and a fragment of compatible scientific research of the State Enterprise "Institute of blood diseases and transfusion medicine of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (Lviv) and science Research Center of Vinnytia National Medical Pyrogov University. The total number of scientific publications is 18, she is the co-author of teaching aids.
Krikus Oksana
Masloyd Tetiana
Has more than 60 printed works, 1 patent for utility model.
The highest category physician. Has a medical practice at the family clinic.
Dalishchuk Nataliia
laboratory assistant
Semenenko Igor
Years of work at the department: 1992 - 2022
Associate professor, PhD
The dissertation is devoted to studying of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a new non-narcotic analgesic of benzofurocaine, which also has antikinin, antiserotonin and antihistaminic effects, showed its strong analgesic effect, and developed the peculiarities of its use in burn patients.
He is working as assistant professor of the Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology now. He has been performing therapeutic work on the basis of the cardiology department of Vinnitsa Regional Clinical Hospital Named after N.I. Pirogov, since 1994.
The number of published works (articles, abstracts) – more than 80 articles, co-author of the 6 manual books.
Stoliarchuk Volodymyr
Years of work at the department: 1992 - 2022
associate professor, phd
The dissertation is devoted to studying antiarrhythmic activity of 28 new 2-phenyl-X-methylbenzofuran derivatives. Their chronic toxicity, allergic properties, mutagenic effect, influence on cardiac activity and hemodynamics were studied. Among the tested substances, 3 compounds were found whose antiarrhythmic activity was higher than the known analogues taken for comparison.
He is working as assistant professor of the Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology now. He has been performing therapeutic work on the basis of the cardiology department of Vinnitsa City Clinical № 3, since 1994.
The number of published works (articles, abstracts) – more than 40 articles. she has 7 declaration patents for a useful treatment model.
Stopinchuk Olexandr
Years of work at the department: 2004 - 2023
Associate professor, PhD
The topic of the ph.d. thesis is “Improvement of the pharmacotherapeutic efficacy of metoprolol by its co-use with thiotriazoline or with mebicar”, under the guidance of MD, professor O. Yakovleva The official defense of the dissertation was held in State institution “Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv, 2006.
From September 2004 to 2014, he worked as a tutor at the Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology Department, where he held practical classes with Pharmacy and Medical faculty students.
In 2014, he held the degree of assistant professor of the Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology department.
He actively participates in the research work of the department: "Organoprotective efficacy and safety of metabolic correctors in the treatment of comorbid pathological conditions" State registration number 0114U000195.
The number of published works (articles, abstracts) - 30, co-author of the manual book for students.
He has been performing cardiologic work on the basis of the military medical clinic center of central region since 2006.
Klekot Oleksandra
Years of work at the department: 2011 - 2023
Associate professor, PhD
The topic of the Ph.D. thesis is “The antihypertensive effect of the Korargin in the complex pharmacotherapy of pulmonary arterial hypertension in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus”, under the guidance of MD, professor O. Yakovleva The official defense of the dissertation was held in a specialized Academic Council at the Odessa National Medical University 02/29/2012.
The dissertation is devoted to studying the effectiveness of the Ukrainian endothelioprotective drug Korargin for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) treatment in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). It was found that pulmonary vascular disease in systemic connective tissue diseases was accompanied by the formation of PAH in 45.5% of patients with SLE. A new model of the PAH treatment has been developed using a nitric oxide donor agents, a drug derived from L-arginine (Korragin).
From September 2011 to April 2016, she worked as a tutor at the Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology Department, where she held practical classes with Pharmacy faculty students - Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacotherapy, General Pharmacokinetics and Drug Toxicity, also with English-speaking students.
In 2016, she held the degree of assistant professor of the Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology department. She holds practical and seminar classes in the postgraduate course with interns of the medical faculty. She has prepared more than 20 lectures on the subjects “Clinical Pharmacy”, “Pharmacotherapy”, “Toxicity of Medicines” and “General Pharmacokinetics”. She is constantly involved in the development of test tasks and clinical tasks in clinical pharmacology, in particular for STEP 3.
She actively participates in the research work of the department: "Organoprotective efficacy and safety of metabolic correctors in the treatment of comorbid pathological conditions" State registration number 0114U000195.
The number of published works (articles, abstracts) - 58, she has 4 declaration patents for a useful treatment model. Co-author of the manual book for students "Side effects of drugs."
She has been performing therapeutic work on the basis of the therapeutic department of City Clinical Hospital № 3 since 2014. Mrs Klekot regularly holds consultations in adjacent departments of the hospital, gives lectures to doctors and paramedical personnel of the hospital, participates in pathological conferences and advisory expert panels.
Kobirnychenko Anatolii
Years of work at the department: 2012 - 2023
Assistant, PhD
Work after graduation:
1982-1983r.r. - doctor of the medical unit at military unit 31963 DalVo.
1983-1984r.r. - Senior resident of the hospital platoon at 52487 DalVo.
1984-1989r.r. - commander of the hospital platoon at / h p / p 60497. Group of Soviet troops in Germany.
1989-1992r.r. - a student of the Faculty of Management of the Medical Service of the VMed. Kirov (St. Petersburg), specializing in "Therapy".
1992-1994r.r. - Senior resident of the cardiological department of the GVCG (g. Kiev).
1994-1998r.r. - Deputy chief of the medical unit - the leading therapist (cardiologist) of the Center for Medical Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy of the Armed Forces (Vinnytsia).
1998-2000r.r. - Deputy Chief of Medical Service of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - Head of Treatment and Prevention Department.
2000-2001r.r. - Head of the hospital branch of the medical platoon of the 3 separate engineering battalion of the Ukrainian peacekeeping contingent of the UN Mission in Lebanon.
2001-2007r.r. - Leading therapist of the VIC VS VS of Ukraine
2007 - 2009 - Senior Inspector - Chief Therapist of the Main Inspectorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
2009 - 2013r.r. - Head of the Department of Hepatology, VICC CR (g. Vinnitsa).
Doctor-therapist of the highest qualification category, doctor-cardiologist of the highest qualification category.
Author of more than 30 scientific works, co-author of teaching aids.
Berezovska Iryna
Years of work at the department: 2014 - 2023
laboratory assistant
Bespalko Denis
Years of work at the department: 2018 - 2022
laboratory assistant
Olshevska-Melnyk Tetyana
Years of work at the department: 2019 - 2023
laboratory assistant
Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology
has changed it’s location!
The department is at the 3d floor of main (morphological) building,
former library premises
The procedure for consultations and reworks of missed classes
1. Reworks and consultations on the clinical pharmacy andclinical pharmacology department are held individually toyour teacher offline or online.
2. During the quarantine reworks and consultations is carried outto your teacher in a distance mode at the absence of blocking in the electronic journal. Reworks are held in the format of awritten task and / or oral interview in video format on the platforms Google Meet or Microsoft Teams.
Science activity
Studying of the role of genetic (biotransformation enzymes) and environmental factors, homeostasis correctors is the recent research direction of Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology Department.
The efficacy of metabolic correctors in internal diseases is a prioroty of the scientific work of the Department. First in Ukraine the connection of a detoxic enzyme N-acetyltransferase with a health status of the young in populational processes was found; moreover, its role in an individual response on a standard pharmacotherapy of bronchial asthma, diabetes melitus, ischemic heart disease, drugs toxicity risk was set. An effectiveness of domestic pharmaceuticals («Corargin», «Thiotriazoline», «HAES-LX» etc.) is studied in the Department. Most of the researches in the Department concern the protective effects of drugs on cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, kidneys, liver, brain.
19 PhD and 9 Magister degrees were got under Professor Yakovleva's direction; 9 young scientists are working on their doctoral and pre-doctoral dissertations.
The following research work is ongoing in the Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology Department:
«Organoprotective effectiveness and safety of metabolic correctors in the treatment of comorbid pathologies».