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Кафедра неврології та нейрохірургії факультету післядипломної освіти створена у 2016 році.

Кафедра займається навчанням студентів 4-го та 5-го курсів з дисципліни нейрохіріргія, інтернів-неврологів, лікарів різних спеціальностей.


Кафедра розташована на клінічних базах:


КНП "Вінницька обласна клінічна психоневрологічна лікарня ім. акад. О.І.Ющенка Вінницької обласної ради"

вул. Пирогова 109, м. Вінниця, Україна, 21037 

Відділення Неврології №3 та Дитячої неврології №4 (другий поверх)

Відділення Нейрохірургії № 20


КНП "Вінницька обласна дитяча лікарнія Вінницької обласної ради"

вул. Хмельницьке шосе 108, м. Вінниця, Україна, 21000

 Відділення черепно-лицьової хірургії


Moskovko Gennadii S.

Head of department, PhD


Starinec Nataliya G.

Lecturer, PhD

Starinec Georgiy

Lecturer, PhD

Korniychuk Anatoliy G.

Lecturer, PhD

graduated from the Vinnytsia Medical Institute in 1961.Graduated from the Postdiploma Course of Nervous Diseases at the same Department in 1966.
Тhesis for the PhD degree of "Contracture of facial muscles innervated by the facial nerve". PhD degree since 1968
Associate Professor at the Department of Nervous Diseases since 1979,
Head of the Doctor's Training Course, since 1986
Head of the Department of Neurology with Reflexology.
In 1993, a 5-month internship under a grant from the British Council at the department of extrapyramidal pathology (movement disorders) of the National Hospital of Neurology and Neurosurgery in London, Great Britain. I am fluent in English and Polish.

Zheliba Lesya

Lecturer, PhD

Svistilnik Ruslan

In 2004, he graduated from National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya
Specialty - medical business
Qualification - doctor.
Specialization - neurology
Higher attestation category in neurology.
Candidate's thesis on the topic: "Clinical-morphological and metabolic
disorders in acute meningitis in children and methods of their correction ", 2010, 14.01.13 - infectious diseases.
From 2004 to 2005, he completed an internship in his specialty "neurology" on the basis of the clinic of nervous diseases named after Vinnytsia Regional Psychoneurological Hospital named after O. I. Yushchenko,
Department of Nervous Diseases with a Neurosurgery Course of the National Pirogov Memorial Medical University
From 2005 to 2007, he worked as a neurologist at the Starokostyantiniv Central Hospital Khmelnytskyi region.
From 2007 to 2009, she studied at a clinical residency with a break from production for
specialty "neurology" on the basis of the clinic of nervous diseases of the Vinnytsia Regional Psychoneurological Hospital named after O. I. Yushchenko (Department of Nervous Diseases with a course of neurosurgery, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University).
From 2009 to 2014, he worked as a neurologist at a military hospital A1067 of Starokostyantiniv, Khmelnytskyi region.
From 2014 to 2019, he worked as an assistant, and from 2019, as an associate professor
Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University
In 2020, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor.
In 2018, he completed an internship at the Galilee Medical Center, Nagariya, Israel.
He is the author of scientific articles published in scientific journals
publications, including those included in the list of Web of Science. Co-author
educational and methodical materials on preparation for practical topics classes in neurology for intern doctors and cadet doctors of the faculty of postgraduate education.
Regularly attends professional development training scientific and pedagogical workers of medical education institutions.
Participation in professional associations by specialty: Member of the "International Society for Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders", "World Stroke Organization", "International Headache Society"

Experience of practical work in the specialty of 19 years.

Olhov Valeriy

Lecturer, PhD

Voloschuk Sergii

Lecturer, PhD

Fix Dmytro

Graduated from National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia, achieving an academic degree in ‘Medicine’ and qualification of an MD. From 2013 until 2015 completed an internship training, followed by a Master’s degree course at the department of Neurology at National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia. From 2015 until 2019 completed a postgraduate course at the same department, and in 2021 successfully defended a thesis in Neurology, “Quality of the help provided during an acute stroke: evaluation based on the hospital’s registers”. Was awarded PhD in 2021. From 2023 works as assistant professor at the Department of Neurology and neurosurgery of postgraduate education faculty

Spivak Yaroslav

Shvedskiy Vitaliy

, PhD

Maystruk Dmytro S


Lemeshov Olexander S



Science activity


Literature published by department

1. «Ходьба людини» монографія, укр., 302с. 

 В.М.Мороз, М.В. Йолтухівський, О.В.Власенко, С.П. Московко, Г.С.Московко, О.В. Богомаз, І.Л. Рокунець, І.В.Тищенко, Л.В.Костюк, К.В.Супрунов 


В.М.Мороз, М.В.Йолтухівський, О.В.Власенко, С.П. Московко, Г.С.Московко, О.В.Юогомаз, І.Л.Рокунець, І.В.Тищенко, Л.В.Костюк, К.В.Супрунов «Ходьба людини» монографія, укр., 302с.


2. Порадник з реабілітації осіб, що перенесли мозковий інсульт А.Г. Корнійчук, О.А. Корнійчук 

Корнійчук А.Г., Корнійчук О.А. Порадник з реабілітації осіб, що перенесли мозковий інсульт.


3. "Первинний головний біль та епізодичні синдроми, які можуть бути асоційовані з мігренню", укр, 272 стор.

Л.В.Піпа, Р.В. Свістільнік, Г.В. Бекетова, Г.С. Московко, В.А.Поліщук, Ю.М. Лисиця

Первинний головний біль та епізодичні синдроми, які можуть бути асоційовані з мігренню
