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History Department of Pediatric Dentistry


The Department of Pediatric Dentistry was founded in September 1998 on the basis of the Faculty of Dentistry Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, named after I. M. I. Pirogov.

From October 1, 1999, the department began to operate on a new base at st. V. Stus, 2/19 (2 nd educational building of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University). Today, the total area is 831 m2. The area of the classroom and laboratory premises of the department, which are on the balance of medical and treatment and prevention institutions as of 1.09.2020 is 466m2, the area of private dental clinics is 365m2. There are 7 clinical halls on the basis of the department, in which 11 dental units are located, and also at the department there is a phantom class with an area of 60 m2, equipped with 6 dental units and a computer.

In these rooms practical classes are conducted on propaedeutics of pediatric therapeutic dentistry, prevention of dental diseases, therapeutic, surgical dentistry, an orthodontic centre, dental laboratory, room for centralized sterilization of instruments, phantom class and methodics department.

Head of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry of Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University since its inception, Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences - Filimonov Yurii Viktorovych. In 1978 he graduated from the Donetsk Medical Institute, and from 1981 to 1998 he worked at Ivano-Frankivsk Medical Academy. During his work he has 102 articles on topical issues of early diagnosis and treatment of dentomaxillary anomalies with devices of his own invention. In 1992 he defended his dissertation "Treatment of dental anomalies with a fixed appliance" in Kyiv. 4 patents, 11 innovation proposals, 12 reports at scientific and practical international conferences were registered, he was a member of four editorial boards of professional publications.

According to the plan, the doctoral dissertation is carried out by Assoc. Filimonov Yu. V. "Bioprogressive technology for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of dentomaxillary anomalies". Statistical processing of measurement results of diagnostic models is completely finished. On the topic of the planned doctoral dissertation a patent "Calculation and construction of the arch of the dentition" was registered, priority certificate №9243 dated 27.01.04. The diagnostics of dentomaxillary anomalies is improved according to its own method. A computer program for the diagnosis of dentomaxillary deformities has been developed. An occluder has been developed to plan the stages of treatment of orthodontic patients.

Assoc. Filimonov Yu. V. spoke 30 speeches on TV programs about the development and work of the department.

The staff of the department today is 23 employees. The staff of the department successfully works under the guidance of the head.

Popova Olena Associate Professor, Head Teacher, Candidate of Medical Sciences, graduated from Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University in 1999 with honors. Dentist of the highest category. In 2007 she defended her dissertation on "Clinical and experimental justification of the use of amizon and bifiform in the complex treatment of herpetic stomatitis in children and adults" in the specialty dentistry - 14.01.22. She is constantly engaged in research work, publishes research results in professional publications licensed by the SAC of Ukraine, scientific metric databases SCOPUS, attends scientific and practical conferences, workshops. 53 scientific works were published, including 8 educational and methodical ones, 1 patent for a utility model, 1 innovation, 2 innovation proposals were received. She took part in 18 scientific and practical conferences - Kyiv, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, Poltava, Vinnytsia. She took part in preclinical and clinical trials of antiviral drugs "Amizon" and "Altabor" at the Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. L.V. Gromashevskyi, Kyiv. She takes part in epidemiological studies on the prevalence of diseases of the oral mucosa in children and adults in Vinnytsia and Vinnytsia region. She carries out sanitary and educational work among the population of the city.

Brazhenko Yurii Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, born in 1954, graduated from Donetsk Medical Institute. M. Gorkyi in 1977, specializing in dentistry. At the Department of Pediatric Dentistry VNMU named after MI Pirogov has been working since 2000. Candidate of Sciences since 1989, Associate Professor. He defended the dissertation at the specialized scientific council of  Lviv State Medical Institute on the topic "Solid bridge prostheses on parapulpar pins". He is the author of 35 printed articles, including 5 monographs, 30 innovation proposals, 5 patents, 15 speeches.

Isakova Natalia Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences Sciences, graduated from Vinnytsia in 1999 with honors. Dentist of the highest category. Candidate's dissertation "Complex treatment of patients with purulent - inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial area with antibiotics and a drug with immunomodulatory properties" in the specialty: 14.01.22 - dentistry was defended and approved by the SAC of Ukraine on December 25, 2005. Received a certificate of associate professor DC № 031626 from 09/26/2012. Responsible executor of research work of the department. She is constantly engaged in scientific and practical work, attends scientific and practical conferences, workshops. 56 scientific works were published, including 22 articles in publications licensed by the SAC, 1 article in the scientific-metric database WoScience. 1 declarative patent, 1 innovation proposal, 1 innovation have been received. She reported at 21 scientific and practical conferences in Vinnytsia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Zaporizhia, Donetsk, Odessa, Dnipro. She conducted preclinical and clinical trials of drugs on the basis of VNMU. She took part in clinical trials of the drug "Amizon" at the Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases named after LV Gromashevsky, Kyiv. She conducts scientific work among students of the Faculty of Dentistry, publishes scientific papers with students who held I, II places. She carries out sanitary and educational work among the population of the city.

Dmitriiev Mykola Associate Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. He graduated from Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University in 2000 with honors. Since August 2000 he has been working at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry: first as a senior laboratory assistant, since September 2004 as an assistant of the department, from March 2008 to the present as an associate professor of the department. In 2006 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic: "Features of odonto- and cephalometric parameters in adolescents with orthognathic occlusion." In 2011 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor. In December 2019, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic: "Anthropo-odontological justification for the correction and prevention of deformities of the dental system." He is the author of 47 patents of Ukraine and more than 70 published scientific works. Under his supervision, the candidate's dissertation and three master's theses were successfully defended, two of which are in English. Currently he is in charge of the training of graduate students and applicants. He underwent foreign internships at universities in the US and Poland. He is a member of the delegation of dentists under the auspices of Vinnytsia Regional Council in the field of external relations and promotion, in order to establish cooperation in the field of health care. He is an active participant in more than 55 world professional trainings and conferences. For active scientific and educational activity he was awarded the Certificate of Honor from Vinnytsia Regional State Administration and Vinnytsia City Council.

Kasianenko Dmitry Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences Sciences, born in 1983, in 2006 he graduated from Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University. Married. He has got a son and a daughter. From 2006 to 2008 he worked as a senior laboratory assistant of the department, from 2008 to 2015 he worked as an assistant, from 2015 to the present he works as an associate professor of the department. Fully performs pedagogical workload, conducts practical classes for students of 3-5 courses - in Ukrainian and English. He gives lectures for 3rd, 4th year students in orthodontics. In 2014, he successfully defended his dissertation on "Treatment of distal occlusion in children with dysfunction of the masticatory and facial muscles", under the guidance of the head of the Department of Orthodontics and Propaedeutics of Orthopedic Dentistry NMU. O.O. Bogomolets Professor Flis Peter Semenovich. He has 18 publications, one patent of Ukraine for a utility model. Member of the Association of Orthodontists of Ukraine. Responsible for the implementation of medical work of the department.

Ruda Iryna  Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, graduated from Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University in 2000. In 2006 she defended her dissertation on "Clinical and epidemiological aspects of dental caries in healthy adolescents in Ukraine" in dentistry - 14.01.22. 41 scientific works were published, including 20 articles in publications licensed by the SAC of Ukraine. 1 declarative patent was received. She reported at 14 scientific and practical conferences.

Dudik Olena Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, graduated from Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy in 1997. Doctor of the highest category. Responsible for working with foreign students. In 2011 she defended her dissertation on "Clinical and experimental justification for the use of sealer based on bioceramics" in dentistry - 14.01.22. He has 35 printed works, including 19 articles in publications licensed by the SAC of Ukraine, 1 article in the SCOPUS scientific and metric database. 3 declaratory patents were received.

Chugu Tetyana Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences. She graduated from National Pirogov Memorial Medical University in 2004 with honors. He has been working at the department since 2004. In 2011 she defended her dissertation "Relationships of sonographic parameters of the thyroid gland with the parameters of the body of boys and girls of different somatotypes." She has published 35 publications, received 2 declaratory patents, participated in 22 scientific and practical congresses and conferences. She spoke at regional scientific and practical conferences for practicing physicians. She continues to engage in research on the latest methods of early diagnosis and prevention of dental diseases in the department of research. She is the leader of the Students' Scientific Circle. She carries out sanitary and educational work among the population of the city. Constantly improves his professional level at conferences and workshops, as evidenced by numerous certificates.

Zakala Tetiana Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences. In 2002 - graduated from Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University. 2006 -  she received a certificate of dentist in the specialty "Orthodontics" on the basis of the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. PL Shupik. 2011 - PAC was held in the specialty "Orthodontics" on the basis of the Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy of Poltava. She took part in 6 scientific conferences, published 10 scientific articles, actively participates in scientific forums, international scientific and practical conferences, workshops. Dentist of the highest category.

Pachevska Alisa Senior Lecturer of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences. She graduated from National Pirogov Memorial Medical University in 2009 with honors. From 2014 to 2017 she was pursuing postgraduate studies under the guidance of Ph.D. Assoc. Filimonova Yu.V. The topic of postgraduate work "Reactivity of the biochemical composition of saliva when using removable and non-removable orthodontic equipment in children" was performed within the scientific work of the department. In 2019 she defended her dissertation and received the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. She is the author of 33 publications, 7 articles in publications licensed by the SAC and 4 articles in SCOPUS scientific and metric databases.

Eroshenko Oleg assistant. In 1993 he graduated from the Ukrainian State Medical University named after AA Bogomolets, Kyiv. Dentist of the highest category.  He works on the implementation of the planned candidate's dissertation "Substantiation of recommendations for the suitability of serving in the relevant branches of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for persons of military age with functional pathology of the temporomandibular joints and dentomaxillary anomalies" (meeting of the Academic Council 20.11.03). He is the author of 22 printed works, has 1 patent. He conducts practical classes for students of 4-5 courses in pediatric surgical dentistry. Responsible for externship of 3rd and 5th courses.

Vasilchuk Alexander assistant. In 1993 he graduated from Ivano-Frankivsk State Medical Academy. The dissertation on reception of a scientific degree of the candidate of medical sciences "Clinical and experimental substantiation of applications of thermoplastics at orthodontic treatment of children" is planned.

Drachuk Nadiya assistant, graduated from Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University in 2005 and works at the department as an assistant. She is the author of 16 printed publications, participated in 8 scientific conferences for students and young scientists with international participation, spoke at regional scientific and practical conferences for practicing physicians. She regularly attends practical lectures and workshops in dentistry. She takes an active part in the scientific work of the department. She сollects literature for planning scientific work.

Eroshenko Alla assistant. In 2006 she graduated from Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University with honors. Dentist of the 1st category. Collects literature for planning scientific work. She has published 4 scientific papers.

Popov Maxim assistant, he graduated from Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University in 2001. He has been working at the department since 2014, conducts practical classes for 3rd and 5th year students, participated in the regional conference of practicing dentists. He has published 7 scientific papers.

Horodyskyi Andriy assistant. In 2009 he graduated from Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University. He has certificates of a specialist in the specialties "Therapeutic Dentistry", "Pediatric Therapeutic Dentistry", "Orthodontics". Orthodontist of the 2nd category. Published 2 articles, participated in 3 scientific and practical conferences. He conducts practical classes for students of 3-5 courses in orthodontics.

Drachevska Iryna assistant. She graduated from Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University in 2014. In 2014-2016 she passed an internship. Since 2017 she has worked at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry as a senior laboratory assistant. Since 2018, assistant of the department. She has certificates of a specialist in "Dentistry", "Children's Dentistry". Since 2019, attached to the graduate school of VNMU. I. Pirogov. The dissertation is planned on the topic: "Features of teleradiographic indicators determined by the methods of Steiner, Ricketts and Downs in persons with orthognathic occlusion depending on the type of face", under the guidance of MD  Dmitrieva MO

Shcherba Valentina assistant. In 2012 she graduated from Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University with honors. She is working on a dissertation on the topic: "Clinical and economic feasibility of providing dental care to children during the period of variable occlusion." She has published 7 scientific papers, 2 in publications licensed by the SAC


In 2003, prof. E.Ya. Vares introduced at our department technology of manufacturing of prostheses and orthodontic equipment from polypropylene.

Employees of the department - Assoc. Assoc. Prof.  Filimonov Yu.V. and Assoc. Prof. Zakalata T.R. are members of the editorial board of the journal "Modern Orthodontics".

On the basis of the department there were planned and successfully defended doctoral dissertations of prof. Shuvalova SM in 1999 on the topic "Malignant tumors of the oropharynx" (Kyiv), and the doctoral dissertation of Shinkaruk-Dykovytska MM on the topic "Indicators of dental morbidity and their dependence on the phenotypic characteristics of somatically healthy men from different regions of Ukraine" in 2016 in the specialty 14.01.22 - "Dentistry" in the specialized scientific council D 26.613.09 NMAPE. P.L. Shupika.

The scientific theme of the department "Clinical experimental substantiation of the use of new methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment of children and adolescents with anomalies of dentomaxillary system and caries complications." On the topic of the department, 95 papers of scientific articles were published in publications licensed by the SAC of Ukraine, scientific and metric databases SCOPUS and in conference proceedings.

A new scientific topic of the department is planned: "Development and improvement of individual methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dental anomalies, caries and its complications in children and adolescents." Today, the work continues in the direction of accumulation of clinical material, improvement of diagnostic techniques and standardized algorithms for diagnosis, systematization, analysis and generalization of the results.

For the last 5 years 4 dissertations were defended, including the doctoral dissertation by Dmitriev M.

Among the teachers of the department, 6 employees passed the foreign language exam and received a B2 level certificate.

As. Shcherba V. and as. Drachevska I. actively perform 2 postgraduate work Every year on the basis of the department scientific and practical conferences are held for students and young scientists, teachers annually help students to take part in all-Ukrainian competitions of scientific works and Olympiads.

In connection with the global pandemic of 2020, the conference of students and young scientists "The first step in science" was held online, but it did not prevent young scientists from other cities to participate and show a high level of their own research.

In addition, clinical residents and graduate students are trained on the basis of the department.

The department is equipped with 3 modern computers and copying equipment. Availability of educational slides - 640 pieces; videos. The department has a full methodological development of practical classes for teachers of prevention of dental diseases, pediatric therapeutic dentistry, pediatric surgical dentistry, orthodontics program in Ukrainian, Russian and English.

Preparation of students for "Step-2" is carried out by means of test and situational tasks and tasks of computer testing in number of 2900. Every year development of new test tasks by teachers of department is carried out.

Practical classes are held in the clinic under the supervision of the teacher of the department and through independent work of students who are provided with situational tasks, phantoms, models, X-rays. Students use slides, conduct reception of thematic patients that allows to carry out full control of knowledge. The educational process is carried out according to work programs, programs in pediatric dentistry (propaedeutics of pediatric therapeutic dentistry, prevention of dental diseases, pediatric therapeutic dentistry, pediatric surgical dentistry, orthodontics) for students of higher medical (dental) institutions III - II levels of accreditation of Ukraine. .

On the basis of the department there is the Students' Scientific Circle under the guidance of Assoc.Prof. Chugu Tetiana. The activities of the circle help to expand the horizons of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of students of 2-5 courses.

During the non-epidemic period, students, under the guidance of a teacher, conduct health lessons among students of Vinnytsia schools and preschools of various forms of their own. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, nutrition and prevention of dental diseases is one of the main activities of the teaching staff.

An important place in the activities of the department is occupied by educational and methodical work. Students of 2, 3, 4, 5 courses study at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry. During the study of the subject students take differentiated tests, transfer and state exams, write a medical history.

The staff of the department are practicing doctors, as evidenced by the medical categories, constantly trying to improve their level by participating in numerous conferences, workshops and symposia. The staff of the department has published more than 350 scientific papers in domestic journals and abroad, articles are included in various scientific and metric databases, Web of Science, Scopus, are simply working to improve their teaching and medical activities.


Dmitriev Mykola Oleksandrovych

Head of the department of pediatric dentistry,professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences

Associate Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. He graduated from Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University in 2000 with honors.
Since August 2000 he has been working at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry: first as a senior laboratory assistant, since September 2004 as an assistant of the department, from March 2008 to the present as an associate professor of the department. In 2006 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic: "Features of odonto- and cephalometric parameters in adolescents with orthognathic occlusion." In 2011 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor. In December 2019, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic: "Anthropo-odontological justification for the correction and prevention of deformities of the dental system." He is the author of 47 patents of Ukraine and more than 70 published scientific works. Under his supervision, the candidate's dissertation and three master's theses were successfully defended, two of which are in English. Currently he is in charge of the training of graduate students and applicants. He underwent foreign internships at universities in the US and Poland. He is a member of the delegation of dentists under the auspices of Vinnytsia Regional Council in the field of external relations and promotion, in order to establish cooperation in the field of health care. He is an active participant in more than 55 world professional trainings and conferences. For active scientific and educational activity he was awarded the Certificate of Honor from Vinnytsia Regional State Administration and Vinnytsia City Council.

Popova Olena Ivanivna

Docent, head teacher, Candidate of medical science, docent

Associate Professor, Head Teacher, Candidate of Medical Sciences, graduated from Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University in 1999 with honors. Dentist of the highest category.

In 2007, she defended the dissertation on the topic "Clinical and experimental rationale for the use of amyzone and bifiform in the complex treatment of herpetic stomatitis in children and adults", specializing in dentistry - 14.01.22.
Constantly engaged in scientific research, prints the results of research in professional publications licensed by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine, attends scientific and practical conferences, master classes. 45 scientific works were printed, 8 of them were educational and methodical, 1 patent for a utility model, 1 innovation, 2 rationalization proposals were received. She took part in 18 scientific and practical conferences - Kiev, Lugansk, Zaporizhya, Poltava, Vinnytsya.
Took part in preclinical and clinical trials of antiviral drugs "Amizon" and "Altabor" in the Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases named after. L. V. Gromashevsky, Kiev. She takes part in epidemiological studies on the prevalence of diseases of the oral mucosa in children and adults in Vinnytsia and Vinnytsia region. Carries out sanitary-educational work among the population of the city.

Isacova Natalia Mihajlovna

Docent, Candidate of medical science

Graduated from National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, in 1999 with honors. She is responsible for the scientific work of the department. She is a dentist of the highest category.
Candidate's dissertation "Complex treatment of patients with purulent - inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial area with antibiotics and a drug with immunomodulatory properties" in the specialty: 14.01.22 - dentistry was defended and approved by the SAC of Ukraine on December 25, 2005. Received a certificate of associate professor DC № 031626 from 09/26/2012. Responsible executor of research work of the department. She is constantly engaged in scientific and practical work, attends scientific and practical conferences, workshops. 56 scientific works were published, including 22 articles in publications licensed by the SAC, 1 article in the scientific-metric database WoScience. 1 declarative patent, 1 innovation proposal, 1 innovation have been received. She reported at 21 scientific and practical conferences in Vinnytsia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Zaporizhia, Donetsk, Odessa, Dnipro. She conducted preclinical and clinical trials of drugs on the basis of VNMU. She took part in clinical trials of the drug "Amizon" at the Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases named after LV Gromashevsky, Kyiv. She conducts scientific work among students of the Faculty of Dentistry, publishes scientific papers with students who held I, II places. She carries out sanitary and educational work among the population of the city.

Brazhenko Yurij Fedorovych

Docent, Candidate of Medical Sciences, docent

Brazhenko Yurij Fedorovich, was borne in 1954.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, docent.
He works at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, since 2000.

Candidate of Medical Sciences since 1989.
Theme of the dissertation: "Сast-in-one bridges on parapulpary pins".
Since 2004, docent.
He is the author of 46 printed works, including 5 monographs, 30 rationalization proposals, 5 patents, 15 speeches at scientific and practical conferences.

Dudik Olena Petrivna

Docent, Candidate of Medical Sciences, docent

Graduated from the State Medical Academy of Dnipropetrovsk in 1997.
She is responsible for work with foreign students at the department.

She defended the dissertation "Clinical and experimental rationale for the use of a bioceramic based silicone" in the specialty of dentistry - 14.01.22 in 2011.
She published 27 scientific works, 16 of them in publications licensed by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine. 3 patent declarations have been received.

Chugu Tetyana Viktorivna

Docent, Candidate of medical science, docent

She graduated from National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, in 2004 with honor.

She defended the dissertation work "Connections of sonographic indexes of thyroid gland with body parameters of boys and girls of different somatotypes" in 2011. She published 24 publications, received 2 declarative patents, participated in 8 scientific conferences and congresses. Speakers at regional scientific and practical conferences for practicing doctors.
She continues to carry out scientific researches devoted to the newest methods of early diagnostics and prevention of dental diseases within the framework of the cathedral research work.

Kasianenko Dmytro Myhailovych

Docent, Candidate of Medical Sciences, docent

He was born in 1983.
He graduated from National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, in 2006.
Married. He has got a son and a daughter. From 2006 to 2008 he worked as a senior laboratory assistant of the department, from 2008 to 2015 he worked as an assistant, from 2015 to the present he works as an associate professor of the department. Fully performs pedagogical workload, conducts practical classes for students of 3-5 courses - in Ukrainian and English. He gives lectures for 3rd, 4th year students in orthodontics. In 2014, he successfully defended his dissertation on "Treatment of distal occlusion in children with dysfunction of the masticatory and facial muscles", under the guidance of the head of the Department of Orthodontics and Propaedeutics of Orthopedic Dentistry NMU. O.O. Bogomolets Professor Flis Peter Semenovich. He has 18 publications, one patent of Ukraine for a utility model. Member of the Association of Orthodontists of Ukraine. Responsible for the implementation of medical work of the department.
One patent for a utility model was registered, eight articles were published; three reports at scientific and practical conferences.

Zakalata Tetiana Rostyslavivna

Docent, Candidate of Medical Sciences

2002 - graduated from National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya
2006 - received a certificate of a dentist in the specialty "Orthodontics" on the basis of the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education Shupika by name.
Orthodontist of the highest category.
- participated in 6 scientific conferences;
- 2 scientific articles were published
- actively participates in scientific forums, international scientific-practical conferences, master classes.

Pachevska Alisa Valeriivna

docent, Candidate of Medical Sciences

After graduating from the university she studied in the magistracy at the Department of Dentistry of Pediatric Age from 2009 to 2011. From 2011 to 2013 she attended clinical residency at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry.
From 2014 to 2017 she completed her postgraduate studies under the supervision of Ph.D. Assoc. Filimonova Yu.V. The theme of the post-graduate work "Reactivity of the biocchemical composition of the saliva when using the removable and non-removable orthodontic equipment in children" was performed within the framework of the scientific work of the department.
In 2019, she defended her dissertation and received her Ph.D.
She is the author of 40 publications, 9 articles in publications licensed by the SAC and 4 articles in SCOPUS scientific and metric databases.

Drachevska Iryna Yuriivna

docent, candidate of medical science

She graduated from Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University in 2014.
In 2014-2016 she passed an internship. Since 2017 she has worked at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry as a senior laboratory assistant. Since 2018, assistant of the department. She has certificates of a specialist in "Dentistry", "Children's Dentistry". In 2023, defended her dissertation on the topic :"Features of teleradiographic indicators determined by the methods of Steiner, Ricketts and Downs in persons with orthognathic occlusion depending on the type of face", under the guidance of MD Dmitrieva M.O. and was elected to the position of docent.

Vasylchuk Oleksandr Semenovych


Was borne in 1959.
In 1993 he graduated from Ivano-Frankivsk State Medical Academy.

A dissertation "Clinical and experimental rationale for the use of thermoplastics in orthodontic treatment of children" for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences was planned in 2006. Number of printed articles - 4, speeches at scientific and practical conferences - 2.

Drachuk Nadija Viktorivna


She graduated from National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya in 2005.

She is the author of 16 printed publications, took part in 8 scientific conferences for students and young scientists with international participation, made presentations at regional scientific and practical conferences for practicing doctors, regularly attends practical lectures and master classes in dentistry.

Popov Maksym Volodymyrovych


He was borne in 1976.
He gradueated from National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, in 2001.

He participated in the regional conference of practicing dentists.
He published 4 scientific works.
He has been working at the department since 2014, conducts practical classes for 3rd and 5th year students, participated in the regional conference of practicing dentists. He has published 7 scientific papers.

Khluplianets Liliia Volodymyrivna

senior assistant

She graduated from Vinnytsya National Pirogov Memorial Medical University in 2022 with honors.

Hust Iryna Yuriivna

Senior assistant

Graduated from Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University, majoring in "Chemistry and Biology".

Kolesnichenko Lyudmyla Vasylivna


She graduated from the Khmelnytsky Technological Institute of Consumer Services with a degree in Chemical Technology in 1985. He has been working at the department since 2014 as a laboratory assistant.

Vitenko Viktor Anatoliyovych


He graduated from VMU with a degree in "dental technician", has been working at the department since 2002

Okruzhko Serhii Ivanovych


He graduated from VMU with a degree in "dental technician" in 1991, working at the department since 2004


Schedule of production practice

Schedule of production practice




Chugu Tetyana Viktorivna

1 group


Drachuk Nadija Viktorivna

2 group

3 group


Khluplianets Liliia Volodymyrivna

4 group


Drachevska Iryna Yuriivna

5 group


Popova Olena Ivanivna

6 group


Popov Maksym Volodymyrovych

7 group

8 group


Pachevska Alisa Valeriivna

9 group


Isacova Natalia Mihajlovna

10 group


Dmitriev Mykola Oleksandrovych

11 group

Exam schedule for students of the 4th year!

Industrial practice of students of the 3rd year of the year 2022-2023!

Elimination of academic debt

Work-off of academic debt by students of education takes place by agreement with the teacher of the academic subgroup in a mixed form.


Debts for past semesters are worked off according to an individual schedule with the permission of the dean's office.


Prof. Dmitriev M.O. - clinical base of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, str. Mariupolska 109.

Assoc. Kasyanenko D.M. - clinical base of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, dental clinic "ORTOVIN", str. Zamostyanska 18V.

Assoc. Brazhenko Yu.F., Assoc. Dudik O.P. - str. Amosova cafe. ter. fatigue study room #2

Assoc. Chugu T.V., Assistant N.V. Drachuk – the simulation center of the 2nd educational building

VNMU , street V. Stusa 2/19.

Assoc. Popova O.I., Assoc. Isakova N.M., Assoc. Pachevska A.V., Assistant. Vasylchuk O.S., Assistant. M.V. Popov, assistant I.Yu. Drachevska, 2 educational building of VNMU street V.Stusa 2/19, 1st floor - room 107, 4th floor - room 409, 410, 411, 414


Phone numbers:

Mykola Dmitriev - 0636283178

Olena Popova - 0677214170

Natalia  Isakova - 0972199097

Yuriy Brazhenko - 0974303328

Olena Dudik - 0968533337

Tetyana Chugu - 0974019085

Dmytro Kasyanenko - 0674308156

Alisa Pachevska - 0632868978

Oleksandr Vasylchuk - 0677587592

Nadiya Drachuk - 0972695742

Maksym Popov - 0672199860

Iryna Drachevska - 0960000426

Lilia Khluplianets - 0987423653


Rework of missed practical classes for foreign students of 2-4 years at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry will be held online from 08/29/22 to 09/18/22.

1. Docent Pachevska A.V. 2-3 year (prevention of dental diseases, propaedeutics of children's therapeutic dentistry)

2. Docent Kasyanenko D.M.    3-4 year (orthodontics)

3.Professor Dmitriev M. O.     3-4 year (orthodontics)

4. Docent Dudik O.P. 4th year (children's therapeutic dentistry)

5. Docent Isacova N.M. 4th year (children's surgical dentistry)

Exam - 4th course - 38a

The exam will be held on the 15th of January at 10 a.m. in the cabinet № 107.

Science activity


The staff successfully completed the following scientific topics of the department:

1. "Prevention, diagnosis, treatment of major dental diseases of residents of Vinnytsia region and victims of the Chernobyl accident", registration number: 0102v003631.

Deadline: 2002 - 2006

As part of the research work, an epidemiological survey of middle school students in Vinnytsia was conducted.

 2. "Prevention, diagnosis, treatment of dental diseases in children and adolescents of Podillya", registration number: 0111U008681;

The results of the work were the development and implementation of a new method of objective diagnosis of diagnostic models of orthodontic patients using an index assessment and construction of a diagram of the dentition, which corresponds to the norm; the corresponding computer program is developed. The treatment of dental anomalies with the use of Filimonov Yu. V. apparatus, as well as new methods of deep fluoridation of teeth, prevention and treatment of periodontal patients, electrogulguration in the treatment of orthodontic anomalies were introduced.

3. "Clinical and experimental substantiation of the use of new methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment of children and adolescents with abnormalities of the dental system and complications of caries."

Deadline: 2016 - 2020

Methods of treatment of orthodontic pathology in children have been introduced into the medical practice of the city children's dental clinic in Vinnytsia, the central dental clinic of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in Kyiv, MKP "Medical Dental Center" in Kyiv, medical center of LNMU. D. Halytsky, Kyiv City Dental Clinic, NMAPE. P.L. Shupika.

A new topic of the department "Development and improvement of individual methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dental anomalies, caries and its complications in children and adolescents", deadline: 2021 - 2025.


List of received patents, copyright certificates and other achievements:

2 innovations, about 30 patents, 10 rats were registered. proposals, 1 information letter, about 50 speeches at scientific and practical conferences, including Germany, Turkey and Russia, published more than 100 scientific papers.

The latter, of which:

Utility model patent № 130411 Ukraine, IPC (2018.01) А61В 5/00. Method for diagnosis and control of treatment of dental anomalies by Burston, Ricketts and Harvold methods / Chernysh AV, applicant and patent owner Vinnytsia National Medical University. MI Pirogov. - № in 2018 05787; declared 24.05.18; publ. 10.12.18, Bull .№23. The patent is valid.
Utility model patent № 122583 Ukraine Method of diagnosis and treatment of occlusal plane position anomalies / Chernysh AV, applicant and patent owner Vinnytsia National Medical University. MI Pirogov.-10.01.2018 . The patent is valid.
Certificate of copyright registration for the work №86112 "Computer program" UniqCeph "to determine the individual normal cephalometric parameters of the dental system." Dmitriev MO, Kostenko MP 02/19/2019 The patent is valid.
Certificate of registration of copyright to the work. Computer program for determining the normative individual parameters of the position of the teeth BiteNorm / AV Chernysh, MP Kostenko. - № 88972; publ. 05/27/19

Scientific achievements of employees:

10 employees of the department have scientific titles of candidates of medical sciences, 1 - doctors of medical sciences.

Employees of the department who perform research work to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy:

Shcherba Valentyna Volodymyrivna "Clinical and economic justification of providing dental care to children during the period of variable occlusion", completion date: 2022
Drachevska Iryna Yuriyivna "Features of teleradiographic indicators determined by the methods of Steiner, Ricketts and Downs in persons with orthognathic occlusion depending on the type of face", completion date: 2024

The staff successfully completed the following scientific topics of the department:
1. "Prevention, diagnosis, treatment of major dental diseases of residents of Vinnytsia region and victims of the Chernobyl accident", registration number: 0102v003631.
Deadline: 2002 - 2006
As part of the research work, an epidemiological survey of middle school students in Vinnytsia was conducted.
 2. "Prevention, diagnosis, treatment of dental diseases in children and adolescents of Podillya", registration number: 0111U008681;
The results of the work were the development and implementation of a new method of objective diagnosis of diagnostic models of orthodontic patients using an index assessment and construction of a diagram of the dentition, which corresponds to the norm; the corresponding computer program is developed. The treatment of dental anomalies with the use of Filimonov Yu. V. apparatus, as well as new methods of deep fluoridation of teeth, prevention and treatment of periodontal patients, electrogulguration in the treatment of orthodontic anomalies were introduced.
3. "Clinical and experimental substantiation of the use of new methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment of children and adolescents with abnormalities of the dental system and complications of caries."
Deadline: 2016 - 2020
Methods of treatment of orthodontic pathology in children have been introduced into the medical practice of the city children's dental clinic in Vinnytsia, the central dental clinic of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in Kyiv, MKP "Medical Dental Center" in Kyiv, medical center of LNMU. D. Halytsky, Kyiv City Dental Clinic, NMAPE. P.L. Shupika.
A new topic of the department "Development and improvement of individual methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dental anomalies, caries and its complications in children and adolescents", deadline: 2021 - 2025.
List of received patents, copyright certificates and other achievements:
2 innovations, about 30 patents, 10 rats were registered. proposals, 1 information letter, about 50 speeches at scientific and practical conferences, including Germany, Turkey and Russia, published more than 100 scientific papers.
The latter, of which:
Utility model patent № 130411 Ukraine, IPC (2018.01) А61В 5/00. Method for diagnosis and control of treatment of dental anomalies by Burston, Ricketts and Harvold methods / Chernysh AV, applicant and patent owner Vinnytsia National Medical University. MI Pirogov. - № in 2018 05787; declared 24.05.18; publ. 10.12.18, Bull .№23. The patent is valid. model patent № 122583 Ukraine Method of diagnosis and treatment of occlusal plane position anomalies / Chernysh AV, applicant and patent owner Vinnytsia National Medical University. MI Pirogov.-10.01.2018 . The patent is valid.Certificate of copyright registration for the work №86112 "Computer program" UniqCeph "to determine the individual normal cephalometric parameters of the dental system." Dmitriev MO, Kostenko MP 02/19/2019 The patent is valid.Certificate of registration of copyright to the work. Computer program for determining the normative individual parameters of the position of the teeth BiteNorm / AV Chernysh, MP Kostenko. - № 88972; publ. 05/27/19 
Scientific achievements of employees:
10 employees of the department have scientific titles of candidates of medical sciences, 1 - doctors of medical sciences.
Employees of the department who perform research work to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy:
Shcherba Valentyna Volodymyrivna "Clinical and economic substantiation of the provision of dental care to children in the period of changing bite", completion date: 2022Drachevska Iryna Yuriyivna "Features of teleradiographic indicators determined by the methods of Steiner, Ricketts and Downs in persons with orthognathic occlusion depending on the type of face", completion date: 2024
